About freedom

4 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

Given that there are only 10 people in a island, this is the only society on the earth.
Maybe they would cooperate to live. They might grow vegetables or hunt animals or fish.
Like a movie of Bergman, assuming that 1 is a woman then 9 are men.

One day, one man found a gun in a jungle. Then assuming he threaten others and quit labour and try to keep the woman, then select a good dog. This is the very simple outline of the system. You would be able to apply this outline to any situations of the economic system then guess and draw detail in your own way.

Do try to ask officers why if we must pay our taxes. I don't know how many officers would be able to answer in a convincible way. Most of them seem not to know how the system is constructed, but they know how to take advantage of the system to make profit. They don't need special
knowledge, despite they can pretend that they are intelligence. Nobody teachs you that answer in school. You can guess there are inconvenient something.

By the way, when he found the gun, then decided to rule others, probably 9 people lost freedom.
The man lost peace of mind. He must always fear revenge and have the gun. He would try to convince himself that this is the law of the jungle or something. He might get sleeping disorders.
The woman would have lost freedom that being able to select a man freely. Everyone becomes unhappy.

Then at that time, so-called classes occurred.
If the man shared the gun with others to use for everyone's benefit, still they might be able to feel happiness that they are able to live together equally.

The classes was the beggining of the tragedy of human beings, roughly.
Birds or fish or something would feel much real freedom than most human beings.

Now, if he didn't get the gun, then if they lived in peace, whom would the woman select?
Only the most good-looking, powerful, clever man? or does she love all of them equally?
I don't know because I am a man nor I don't want to know.

I think things like this freedom.
But even if they decided to share the gun as common profit, would they be able to trust each other?
If someone took the gun while others were sleeping... etc etc. Well, actually it doesn't need the gun to tell the problem, though. When ancient people lived in caves or elsewhere, I don't basically think they lived in peace like Balinese who lived in a certain era. There is no shame in being poor. I still feel that sometimes but that's just stupid. I will show you. What is freedom for you? It should be original.

Iscritto: 03/04/2019
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

Scrambling for bananas in the cages is so called capitalism.
Sharing the bananas in the cages is so called communism.
Then that is the third way but it is not for zoo keepers at the old zoos, unfortunately.
They can manage the zoos not to let monkeys starve to death except some warnings or lessons. How efficient.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018


FYI, many philosophers have had this difficulty that prescribing conditions of freedom binds freedom. If you get some freedom, you lose other freedom. So the issue seems that a current value of a freedom from a comprehensive view point. A value cannot be estimated by simple dualism, generally. And the current top priority in the current. If you want to die with pride and satisfaction and fellows who take over our something. There is no fear of death, at least there were no fear, literally not a bit of it. Have you ever seen a drowned body? I have. That was expressing almost pure fear. The rest was like, I really die now? I can't believe it.... maybe he stopped thinking then.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018


It would take a few decades until most people feel the comfortable feelings of freedom.
I don't understand that despite we cannot erase perfectly the doubts that there might be someone who are peeping those information, how we feel the comfortable feelings from software freedom.
Hope we will win the race between freedom and pollution.
Sorry, I cannot understand. "Our enemies obviously don't care about their children's future."