Abrowser 34 recommending Flash?

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Iscritto: 09/19/2011

I noticed that abrowser 34 has an "activate flash" dialogue on some pages with embedded video. I hesitate to file this as a bug, in case the trouble is just a matter of toggling setting(s). I have unplug, noscript, adblock edge and disconnect extensions active, in case that is an issue.

Screenshot from 2014-12-17 14:50:38.png166.33 KB
Iscritto: 12/05/2014

when you click on active flash if you have gnash installed it uses gnash not flash
i think its as abrowser is based on firefox


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Iscritto: 09/19/2011

Thanks for your prompt answer! I found the Gnash thing in addons-manager->plugins, and set to 'never activate'; also a setting in about:config, now set to 'false'.

Iscritto: 12/05/2014

you say you set gnash to never activeate
just to conferm gnash is free as in freedom software
and works with some flash programs

Iscritto: 08/11/2014

Why would you disable Gnash? Gnash is a Free Software replacement of Flash. It's fantastic, and works with a lot of websites that otherwise wouldn't.

Iscritto: 12/10/2013

Because a lot of videos try to use Flash if you have it installed (but don't work with Gnash), and if you don't have Flash (or Gnash), they use HTML5 video.
Also almost all Flash stuff is nonfree.

Iscritto: 12/05/2014

thats true.


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Iscritto: 09/19/2011

+1 on all of the above. Also, Gnash is inaccessible. All my effort to get it to start playing automatically has been frustrated. Getting to its preferences or media controls is a hit-and-miss with orca screen reader. It's easier for me to use an external app for playing media, whose controls are accessible. VLC for the win on this count. Totem is just as easy to use. Gnash is still in my system, btw; I don't want to break any dependencies.

Iscritto: 05/30/2012

Don't worry about removing Gnash. It's only depended on by trisquel-recommended, which is a meta-package that depends on all packages recommended by the trisquel meta-package. I'd avoid removing the trisquel meta-package, so I can check if something is recommended for Trisquel with aptitude why, but as everything depended on by the trisquel-recommended package is also recommended by trisquel package, there's no harm or inconvenience in removing it.