Abrowser wants to bury my bookmarks file ... and there's more amiss

7 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 01/04/2015

(1) Over the years my Mozilla-based browsers have let me build huge bookmarks files, whether
or not I made attempts to organize the bookmarks.

A couple of years ago, after an upgrade from a previous linux OS, those hoards of bookmarks
vanished. Recently, even though I continued to mark pages for saving, all I saw is a short
list of bookmarks.

Even more recently (today) when I attempted to restore a few days's worth of bookmarks,
abrowser threatened to obliterate all the existing bookmarks with the updated few.

That's not acceptable.

Where are all the rest of my bookmarks kept ?

(2) After recent upgrades, all the little symbols for useful actions except two have
disappeared from next to the address bar in my Abrowser. The remaining pair are the
arrows for "go back one page" and (guessing) "go to the next page."

What is especially missed is the "reload page" ikon (a circular arrow pointing counterclockwise).
How do I restore that tool ? How do I make it permanent ? Any others that are handy ?


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 08/18/2020

> Where are all the rest of my bookmarks kept ?

Sorry, I have no clue on that. I am saving my bookmarks several times a week (it creates a .json file in the place I choose) but indeed, restoring from such a file overrides everything. I don't know how to do a merge of several bookmark files.

> How do I restore that tool ?

In the menu, "more tools"->"customize toolbar", then drag and drop. If you can't see it, try "restore defaults".

Iscritto: 01/04/2015

"More tools" and "Customize toolbar" are easy to remember, even if they disappear after
every sudo apt-get update, etc.

Thanks !

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Bookmarks are stored in ~/.mozilla/abrowser/*/places.sqlite (a database): https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profiles-where-firefox-stores-user-data

Iscritto: 01/04/2015

The places.sqlite file is more than five MB; that's good news. However, the support.mozilla.org link
points rather indirectly to another statement to the effect that if I [blindly] apply the restore
function that it will overwrite whatever is already in my bookmarks...

This link gives a more cautious approach:
Trisquel let me install sqlite3, but that is where progress stalled.
Following another link:
I added "sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev"
followed by "sudo apt-get update --fix-missing" which gave me some man documentation which I can view
with "man sqlite3" but opening sqlite3 with "sqlite3 ~/.mozilla/abrowser/keqn3ew1.default-release/places.sqlite"
gives me an sqlite> prompt rather than an sqlite3> prompt.
My bookmarks are still out of reach, and whenever I reach down to grasp them ... you know the rest.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

whatever is already in my bookmarks.

You can export them first (to re-import them later). For instance, to export them in HTML (json is another option): https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/export-firefox-bookmarks-to-backup-or-transfer

Iscritto: 01/04/2015

Very clear ... no mysteries ... presto ! There they are: 575 kB

Thank you !

Iscritto: 12/01/2016

To sync bookmarks across different devices, I use xBrowserSync[1] on
Firefox family browsers. It is recommended by PrivacyToolsIO[2]. And,
it is licensed under GNU GPL.


[1] https://www.xbrowsersync.org/
[2] https://privacytools.io/classic/#addons