Any recommendations for places to buy music?
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Any kind of music really, downloadables, cds, vinyls etc
Your local music shop, which you should support indeed, especially if a tiny one. They are like the dinosaurs a few days before the meteorite crashed. DRM ridden digital distribution for da gullible is killing them. Same as netflix and similar crap for them movies.
What's bad about buying files online? Like Bandcamp? yeah.
Guide to DRM-Free Living:
I guess the sites require non-free javascript though. I am using the latest Trisquel 8 abrowser without Librejs. So I don't know.
Better buy a uComposer®
It picks your instantaneous mood and psycho-experiences from your cerebral electromagnetic emissions, and creates custom music on the spot according to your best liking. It continually adapts and rearranges the music on-the-fly according to the feedback it gets from your cerebral responses.
You never listen to the same music again. Always new, and always optimally best suited for your pleasure.
It doesn't come without a few drawbacks, though. :(
(1) As it works as kind of a custom DJ, which intermixes a vast database of elementary sounds, tunes and rythms, and these elementery musical building blocks come in a database with DRM. (FOSS version of this database could be a very good project candidate.)
(2) You need to wear a crown-like gadget combining both earpads and the electrodes to pick your cerebral emissions. But it is cushy and not quite uncomfortable.
(3) It is a personal music maker, and no output channel other than earpads are provided. So you cannot listen to "shared music" (i.e. in a party where everyone listens to the same music). And it is not an easy job to tap into the speaker feed, as it is a piezo-speaker directly integrated to the composer. Some micro-surgery might be needed there for tapping.
(4) It doesn't exist. But now that I have blurted out the principles, the idea will be stolen and the product will find its way to shelves in no time, I believe. I publicize the design principles here just in order to establish prior knowledge, so that no patents can be enforced on it. My humble contribution to FOSH (free and open source hardware).
You are welcome. ツ
Haha :)
> It doesn't exist.
Not yet, but I think it is ultimately the goal of machine-learning recommendation systems like Spotify.
Welcome back!
what about discogs?
I like the concept of Discogs, but I dislike that they have links to Facbook, Google, YouTube etc all over the place. And it seems to not work right without JS.
Just buy CD's. You can import them to any (Free) format you want.
Or, better yet, buy vinyl. It's more retro, and you don't *need* to run software to play it. :)
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