Anyone Know of Any Libre Realtime Communications Test Groupd?
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Unlike a lot of software, realtime communications programs can't really be tested alone. It needs at least two people, and for testing conferencing programs, three or more. Just wondering if anyone knows of any organised working group for testing free code software for text, voice, and video chat? I would like to be involved in such a group if it exists, and if not, I would be happy to help establish one.
As a variation on this idea, would anyone be keen to set up a regular online language exchange session, using free code chat software? I'd love to learn some Espanol or Portuguese from native speakers, and I'd be happy to help people with their English.
BTW On the subject of chat software, the Pidgin homepage says:
>> Pidgin 2.10.10 contains important security updates. Please upgrade! <<
In Toutatis, we are still sitting on 2.10.3. Is there a reason the more recent, more secure version isn't in the repos and upgrading automatically?
Also, Pidgin is the standard IM client that comes installed with Trisquel. Pidgin contans lib
purple. Quinn Norton claims that libpurple is effectivly spyware:
Should we be concerned about this?
Am 22. August 2015 07:37:40 MESZ, schrieb name at domain:
>Also, Pidgin is the standard IM client that comes installed with
>Pidgin contans lib
>purple. Quinn Norton claims that libpurple is effectivly spyware:
>Should we be concerned about this?
As long as she doesn't deliver a small sign of proof to her weird writings, no. She's just wildly accusing everyone with unproven statements and flood of "funny" meme pictures.
Following her line of arguments consequently there should be literally *nothing* preinstalled on Trisquel.
Furthermore telling people that having lots of security updates is a sign for insecurity - gosh! Saying so implies that operating systems with less updates incoming are more secure.
I've used the ppa at but it seems to have been depreciated.
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