'Best' display for x200 (librebooted)

9 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 02/18/2016

I have a librebooted x200 which I am generally happy with. More or less the only thing that I am not happy about is the display. I have tried to find out which would be the 'best' substitute for the one that's in use now (I don't know if it's original, but I suppose so).

According to https://libreboot.org/docs/hardware/x200.html any display that's made for x200 probably work. It appears that IPS is better than TN and (perhaps) that IPS is the same as AFFS - if I understand correctly.

According to https://forum.thinkpads.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=84941 the HV121WX4-120 (Matte AFFS panel) is a very good choice. But it seems that one will need the inverter (which I don't know what is) to be located at a different place.

Yet, I do not understand the technical terms and would appreciate some help.

Firstly, I would like help to determine which display would be the best choice. What choices are there and what are the pros and cons for each?

Secondly, I may need some one to point me to a guide on how to replace the display.

I you have experiences with this, please share.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

If you want to replace X200's screen, first you need to know whether your current screen is LED or CCFL backlit. They are incompatible.

If you want any guide, just search "X200 hardware maintenance manual" by yourself.

If you simply want a better screen, you can try to find an X200s with WXGA+ screen (very rare), or an X200t (same resolution as X200 and most X200s, but better panel).

Iscritto: 02/18/2016

It turns out my screen is a CCFL. Thanks

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

Then you may need to check whether their LCD cables are compatible. If not, you may also need a LCD cable converter or try to DIY your own cable.

Pablo G

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Iscritto: 05/16/2012

Hello GNUbahn

What about connecting your X200 to an external display?
I'm using two screens: built in and other connected via display port(using a docking station) to a 19" display.
(laptop X200 as well)

Iscritto: 02/18/2016

I occasionally do that at home, but I wish to have a better screen also when away (or even in the living room).

Pablo G

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 05/16/2012

Ok, I see
Our hardware is not very new :(

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

If there were freedom-respecting new hardware, I would gladly purchase them. I'd like to appreciate the performance improvement brought by new hardware platforms, but never at the cost of freedom.

Iscritto: 02/18/2016

I agree with nadebula.1984. Though I rarely need better performance!

Iscritto: 02/18/2016

Nope, but it is very free :)

(answer to Pablo G)