Can AntiWord be ported to Android?

5 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 07/17/2013


As I have said in another thread in Android we don't have any alternative to open doc files other that LO Viewer. Could we have Anti-Word be ported to android ?

I would run the DOS version using Dosbox but Dosbox is not very stable in my machine... So anyone who knows about porting software, is it a good candidate to be used in Android?


Iscritto: 05/01/2018

According to antiword website, the last update was in 2008. Smart phones were still not very popular by then.

UPDATE: There is a package named "antiword" in Ubuntu 16.04 xenial's universe repository. It should also be available in Trisquel, if there's no freedom issue.

Iscritto: 02/12/2015

The Librera app will let you open and read those files. It's in F-droid, and is GPL licensed. Works quite nicely.

Iscritto: 07/17/2013


Still lacking editing features, but at least I can now open DOC files if necessary. DOCX doesn't seem to work, but maybe the file I got was not OK to begin with...
I am happy with Librera, I didn't know about this, thank you.

Iscritto: 02/12/2015

> Still lacking editing features, but at least I can now open DOC files if necessary. DOCX doesn't seem to work, but maybe the file I got was not OK to begin with

For editing and opening other formats, Collabora Office is an implementation of LibreOffice that is working a lot better now on mobile. I'm pretty sure it should have a free license. You could probably download it with Yalp from the F-droid store, or there are some .apk files for it floating around online if you search for them. The latest version worked really well when I tried it.

Iscritto: 02/12/2015

You can now download nightly .apk snapshots of Collabora Office that you should be able to side load: