Can AntiWord be ported to Android?
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As I have said in another thread in Android we don't have any alternative to open doc files other that LO Viewer. Could we have Anti-Word be ported to android ?
I would run the DOS version using Dosbox but Dosbox is not very stable in my machine... So anyone who knows about porting software, is it a good candidate to be used in Android?
According to antiword website, the last update was in 2008. Smart phones were still not very popular by then.
UPDATE: There is a package named "antiword" in Ubuntu 16.04 xenial's universe repository. It should also be available in Trisquel, if there's no freedom issue.
The Librera app will let you open and read those files. It's in F-droid, and is GPL licensed. Works quite nicely.
Still lacking editing features, but at least I can now open DOC files if necessary. DOCX doesn't seem to work, but maybe the file I got was not OK to begin with...
I am happy with Librera, I didn't know about this, thank you.
> Still lacking editing features, but at least I can now open DOC files if necessary. DOCX doesn't seem to work, but maybe the file I got was not OK to begin with
For editing and opening other formats, Collabora Office is an implementation of LibreOffice that is working a lot better now on mobile. I'm pretty sure it should have a free license. You could probably download it with Yalp from the F-droid store, or there are some .apk files for it floating around online if you search for them. The latest version worked really well when I tried it.
You can now download nightly .apk snapshots of Collabora Office that you should be able to side load:
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