Can't get Mate to work in my Trisquel (7), can anybody help?
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In installed both Mate and Unity using these links, respectively:
I also removed some Unity parts via the following commands:
Could anybody help me?
Why do we need a PPA to install mate when it is available in the repos? Check Synaptic Package Manager.

I don't know about that.
I wasn't able to install cinnamon, and I gave up trying all the desktop environment. Installing gnome 3 was enough for me, and it works very good.
I know some people here installed some other DE, but I always had issues. Only enlightenment and xfce worked good enough to keep it.
I recommend you should restore a clean system before installing the desired DE via the official repos. Everytime I added a PPA I had some issues.
You mean reinstall my system?
Did you use this PPA for Trisquel 7 and follow the directions?
PPA description
These MATE 1.8.1 packages for *only* Ubuntu Trusty, they have been side ported from Debian.
In order to correctly install and configure MATE 1.8.1 on Ubuntu Trusty you will also need to add the following PPA:
Open a terminal complete the following steps to enable the appropriate PPAs and install MATE 1.8.1 on Ubuntu Trusty.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/ppa
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/trusty-mate
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-desktop
Thanks for the help guys but I just decided to use Gnome 3.
Sasaki thanks a lot!
You may purge those PPAs.
In installed mate-desktop using apt-get install. I checked in synaptic, and a number of mate-related packages are now marked as installed (although some optional looking ones like themes etc are not). Is this all I need to do?
If so, this wiki page needs updating, to remove the instructions to add the unnecessary PPAs:
When I reboot, I can't see how to login using Mate instead of GNOME. Any suggestions?
On Sat, 31 Oct 2015 04:39:06 +0100 (CET), name at domain wrote:
> In installed mate-desktop using apt-get install. I checked in synaptic, and
> a number of mate-related packages are now marked as installed (although some
> optional looking ones like themes etc are not). Is this all I need to do?
It could be installing the version of mate-desktop in the Trisquel repository.
Mate-desktop as a package only deals with the actual desktop (backgrounds and
suchlike). It is equivalent to xfdesktop in Xfce. It is in the Trisquel repo
for compatibility with programs which require it- but the complete MATE desktop
environment is not. The package you are looking for is
mate-desktop-environment. Installing that (once you have enabled the PPA) is
the way to install MATE. Look at the installation instructions more carefully
next time.
> If so, this wiki page needs updating, to remove the instructions to add the
> unnecessary PPAs:
I can assure you, the PPAs are necessary. Trisquel main does not have
mate-desktop-environment and most of its dependencies. It is impossible to
install MATE without the appropriate PPA.
> When I reboot, I can't see how to login using Mate instead of GNOME. Any
> suggestions?
It is not installed correctly. Once it is, you should see a white circular icon
appear to the immediate upper right of the password entry field. Clicking it
will display a drop-down menu with a list of desktop environments. It only
appears when multiple desktop environments are installed. The fact that you
cannot see it indicates that MATE is not actually installed, or at least not
installed correctly.
I could be very wrong here but, if Trisquel's official repositories
don't include MATE desktop, isn't that because of MATE not being free
software back then when it was evaluated for inclusion?
I would actually advise against adding whole repositories/PPAs since
they could turn the system unusable or even worse: recommend non-free
> I could be very wrong here but, if Trisquel's official repositories
> don't include MATE desktop, isn't that because of MATE not being free
> software back then when it was evaluated for inclusion?
No. It was because there was no Ubuntu MATE distribution at the time. MATE was
somewhat new. Since MATE is a fork of GNOME 2, it was never not free software.
Alternatively, the peeps in charge couldn't be bothered.
> I would actually advise against adding whole repositories/PPAs since
> they could turn the system unusable or even worse: recommend non-free
> software.
The Ubuntu MATE PPA recommending non-free software? Nah, not likely. MATE is a
fork of GNOME 2. It is a free software project, and is as free as GNOME 2 ever
On an unrelated note, I would much prefer Trisquel to use MATE as opposed to
the 'Trisquel DE'. Not only is MATE far more lightweight as opposed to GNOME
fallback, with infinitely snappier response times (seriously, it is a lot
faster. When I used Debian MATE it was a *lot* faster than Trisquel GNOME), it
would also require a lot less maintenance because MATE could provide the
traditional, seamless, easily-customisable desktop experience that the Trisquel
project strives for without having to customise a GNOME spinoff and then
maintain it.
Now repeat after me: MATE for Trisquel 8!
It even rhymes.
I used to love and desire MATE DE, but I have grown very used to GNOME fallback mode that Trisquel uses by default and I think it's now superior to MATE in many ways. You basically get GNOME 3 working without needing so much power (or 3d hardware anyway) So I really don't see the reason for MATE right now.
That said, I still long for their own menu (just writing the name of the application on the menu and having it show up automagically is the thing missing in my DE).
Trisquel MATE is awesome. It looks great, but certain free software does not work in MATE: Wallpaper Changer Wallch cannot remember my settings. Wally doesn't support MATE.
I downloaded the 1000 HD Wallpapers from the Wallch site, and those are all RAR files. The Archive Manager that came with Trisquel can't open RAR files. So I installed ARK and Unrar-free, but ARK does not extract to the folder that I selected.
I also noticed that there's a whole lot of free software that hasn't been upgraded / updated in a while. One example is Conky. It's all very beautiful, free software, but when no longer maintained, isn't very useful any longer.
The only thing that works fine, is Cairo-Dock.
What's wrong with conky?
Install The Unarchiver ("unar" package), it's an effort to provide a RAR
3 decompressor. It's one of those one-way solutions to open RAR files,
that is, extract and never use RAR files again.
Alright I installed unar using Synaptic, but after installation it's nowhere to be found! Yet another software that needs to be run using the command line. And then still, one must hope and pray that it will run error free... I guess that many users here do not work in Trisquel MATE, or at least aren't interested at all in a wallpaper changer.
Is there no one who can write a script to let the "Change Desktop Background" change every two minutes (or at another rate), and from a folder in /home/username/ ?
Well, it's as simple as running this:
unar "Papers from John Hacker.rar"
And so it should extract the contents directly to your current working
directory (which is, by default, your personal home folder, if you just
open a terminal without doing any "cd" command).
Just a side joke: Please remind me to tell John Hacker not to send
things using RAR files, because I hate having to use the terminal,
besides being counter-productive for an average computer user like me.
even easier ->
open terminal and write unar, then just drag the rar package in the terminal and press enter.
magic :)
I have no RAR file to test but the following command *may* make FileRoller (the graphical archive manager) use 'unar' to uncompress a RAR file:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/unar /usr/bin/unrar
FileRoller uses unar automatically, it doesn't need to see an unrar binary. It detects unar.
I did what SuperTramp83 wrote, and "unar" successfully unrarred all pictures into the folder "1000 HD Wallpapers (By Mellori Studio)" in /home/myusername. Thank you.
Now, is there someone who knows about a wallpaper changer that will work in Trisquel MATE (Trisquel with MATE environment)?
I'm willing to reinstall Wallch but then I want to know why it doesn't remember my settings. And why it doesn't always work.
did a quick search on the netz and found this ->
I would change it to something like this (when reading, look for a
dollar sign $ immediately in the start of a each line, if you can't find
one, it means the break was misplaced):
$#Start of script. Copy the line above too.
$while true
$selected_file_path="${wallpaper_directory_path}/$(shuf --head-count="1"
<<< "$(ls "${wallpaper_directory_path}")")"
$while [[ ! "$(file --brief --mime-type "${selected_file_path}")" =~
^image/.* ]]
$selected_file_path="${wallpaper_directory_path}/$(shuf --head-count="1"
<<< "$(ls "${wallpaper_directory_path}")")"
$mateconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/mate/background/picture_filename
$sleep "${time_for_each_change}"
$# End of script.
I'm pretty sure File-roller (GNOME's file archiver) works with unar (otherwise it wouldn't show up in the list of optional dependencies (probably suggestions).....), ior was it a newer version?
If I remember well, I had to download an additional package. Maybe it was unar.
Thanks again SuperTramp83! The only thing that I don't know how to do is this: "You may want to add the command 'sh /home/username/ &' to your startup applications"
cng-driver: yw!
look at this screenshot ->
You should find that on your system and add a launcher and write as command the command you provided above. That should do it.
I realised that I had to do an online search myself and found this page:
I did #3:
$sudo cp ~/.config/autostart/
and this script:
# Script to randomly set Background from files in a directory
while true;do
# Directory Containing Pictures
DIR1="/home/username/1000 HD Wallpapers (By Mellori Studio)/Animals"
DIR2="/home/username/1000 HD Wallpapers (By Mellori Studio)/Nature"
# Command to Select a random jpg file from directory
# Delete the *.jpg to select any file but it may return a folder
PIC=$(find "$DIR0" "$DIR1" "$DIR2" -type f -name "*.jpg" | shuf -n1)
# Command to set Background Image
gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename "$PIC"
# specify how long to wait in seconds between changes
sleep 120
After rebooting, this works! Yeah ;-) Thanks very much.
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