Cashless Coronavirus
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Isn't it 'convenient' how during this corona virus, businesses are being pressured to only accept electronic payments?
If the plutocracy gains the power to flick a switch and turn off individual's ability to buy and sell, who they see as opposition to their hegemony, they will most certainly use it.
Fortunately none of the stores I go to have stopped accepting cash. At many stores, cash seems like the safer way to pay, because the credit card reader requires customers to all wipe their fingers on the same touch screen. At least the cashier is using gloves to handle cash, unlike the many customers coming in and paying wiht their credit card. I try to pay with exact change when I can so that less handling is needed.
Systematically using hand sanitizer before and after visiting a shop might create coronavirusless cash.
At least it should provide reasonably coronavirusless hands.
That said, contact with infected surfaces does not seem to be the main transmission driver [1]. This might however be partly because systematic use of hand sanitizer has been more widely accepted.
COVID is a good chance for governments to impose surveillance -- too good to miss.
One of my smart phones is dedicated to run such (mandatory) surveillance malware.
Here, there are signs up at stores asking customers to pay with electronic payment, and that the banks are making it more difficult for them to deposit cash. I haven't seen any stop accepting cash yet.
The plutocracy will always look for pretexts to push through their agendas.
> the banks are making it more difficult for them to deposit cash.
On what corner of the galaxy are you living, if we may ask?
North America
In Western Europe these signs do not show - yet. But there have been restrictions on cash transactions in recent years. I think France has a 300€ cap beyond which some extra info about the transaction must be provided.
We will have to escape the centralized monetary system one day anyway and rebuild societies bottom up from local communities. Just some guess.
Self-sustaining communities is one solution. Decentralized crypto-currencies also.
Rest assured I am paying only with cash in these stores. - "Cooperation Town – a network of food coops and a strategy for resistance"
I know about this since 2019 (possibly earlier) as this was all planned ahead. (rapture, mark of the beast/RFID microchip implant, 7 year tribulation, world war 3, new world order with the reign of antichrist/Barack Obama, one world government/religion/currency, cashless society, guillotines, FEMA camps, etc.)
Please see my related post:
Yeah. This corona virus is a hoax blown way out of proportion for the purpose of controlling the population. 'control through fear' - that's their motto. Their next step is to use the vaccines as a pretext for tracking and bio-monitoring of the population.
Whatever happens, let's make a good show of resistance that would be worthy of a timeless novel.
I heard from two different sources, that there's coming a virus more deadly than this, before the rapture happens.
You will be forced to take the mark. It will be voluntary at first, but then you will be persecuted, tortured and killed (by beheading) if you refuse. Many will not be able withstand the suffering and will take it. That's why it's called the great tribulation.
If this virus is the precursor to the rapture, then it's got to be the most incredibly ineffective plague God ever struck the planet with. What's the survival rate among healthy children and adults? 99.9something percent?
I don't think God would mess around with a weak virus like this as a prophecy-fulfilling plague - the Biblical accounts of plagues and the accounts in Revelation and the historical accounts of the black death and similar plagues (even the Spanish flu) are vastly worse, exponentially worse. Death rates of 40% and more.
If you were looking for a time of rapture, you would not be wrong to go back about 7 centuries, when the black death was wiping out up to half of some European populations, and Tamerlane was marching his armies through Europe, central Asia, and Asia and killing 17% of the world's population. If he hadn't died from disease in Kazakhstan on his way to wipe out heavily populated China, Tamerlane may have killed 40% or more of the world's population. In the 1300's, humanity was truly at a point of existential crisis.
Maybe the rapture already happened in the 1300's and we that are left today are simply the lost ones? And this is actually hell? Tamerlane certainly fulfilled every aspect of the second beast of Revelation that I ever read about, with Temüjin (Genghis Khan) being the first beast, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse being Temüjin's four sons to whom he gave control over the four corners of his empire which covered most of the known world - Tolui, Ögödei, Chagatai, and Jöchi.
As I said before though, I do not believe that there are Biblical passages that actually support this type of a mass death rapture followed by a great tribulation. My reading of the relevant passages indicates to me that the 2nd coming and the rapture will all occur simultaneously, followed immediately by judgment.
No, the coronavirus is used as a means to set up the new world order, Satan's kingdom, during which Barack Obama (the son of perdition) will rule as the antichrist with Pope Francis as the false prophet (the unholy trinity). The rapture is God's way of escape for His children/bride, after waiting for 2000 years, leaving the unrepentant people behind to face His wrath. This serves the purpose by forcing people to make their final decision before Christ's millennial reign can begin (after which Satan will be released once again). There is a wedding banquet prepared for those who will be taken to heaven. The Holy Spirit will reveal you these things, after you invite Jesus into your life.
I'm (spiritually) ready since the evening of 2017 June 22, when (suddenly/out of nowhere) a supernatural (inner) peace came upon me.
> during which Barack Obama (the son of perdition) will rule as the antichrist with Pope Francis as the false prophet (the unholy trinity)
I doubt that Satan is going to war against the armies of God with a historically weak politician and a historically weak pope at the head of his armies. You may need to prayerfully ask for a new end times prophetic vision - this one seems to rely on underwhelming forces and an underwhelming plague.
What are you talking about? God allows Satan to do this for the good.
The identity of these prophetic individuals is widespread knowledge, publicly available on the internet and revealed by God to multiple people. Look it up!
You can find the explanation about Pope Francis here (2nd half of the video): (the RFID microchip implant "IS" the mark of the beast!)
> And this is actually hell?
What a question. Of course it is. We must have pressed the wrong button, once more.
"But you don't understand - I was trying to go to the parking garage!!"
In this time of biological engineering, you figure it is only a matter of time until a more serious plague is unleashed.
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