Check out this new note taking application KeepNote

1 risposta [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 04/08/2009

I know Sticky Notes and Tomboy Notes are already available in Trisquel. Although they are for quick reminder notes, I was looking for a full featured note taking and organising program. Something that would be useful for research and project work. After a lot of searching I found KeepNote:

Only had it for 1 day, so far it's great, I'd recommend it. It installs in minutes using the deb package on the web site. Its easy to use, and its free software with a GNU GPL license. So if it's something you'd be interested in give it a try.

Travis King
Iscritto: 08/07/2010

On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 23:53:02 +0200 (CEST)
name at domain wrote:

> I know Sticky Notes and Tomboy Notes are already available in
> Trisquel. Although they are for quick reminder notes, I was looking
> for a full featured note taking and organising program. Something
> that would be useful for research and project work. After a lot of
> searching I found KeepNote:
> Only had it for 1 day, so far it's great, I'd recommend it. It
> installs in minutes using the deb package on the web site. Its easy
> to use, and its free software with a GNU GPL license. So if it's
> something you'd be interested in give it a try.

There is also GNU Emacs Org-Mode:
