Cinnamon with Trisquel theme

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Iscritto: 02/18/2016

In an earlier post I was searching for ways to adopt the cinnamon DE ( I solved that by adding the linixmint repository, install cinnamon and deactivating linuxmint repo again. I'm still to know if this approach holds over time (

I would like to get the Trisquel theme but it doesn't seem to be too easy. I was thinking though, would it be possible to copy the content of /usr/share/themes/Trisquel to one of those that can be used by Cinnamon, for instance Ambiance? Choosing Ambiance theme for cinnamon would then make Trisquel theme appear. Is there any chance it might work?

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

See in particular the first and only sentence:
To install a theme: Download it and decompress it in ~/.themes.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 10/31/2014

Yep. Themes go either in .themes in home as B. Magique pointed out and that will make the theme installable for the user or, if you want it system wide (for all users), in /usr/share/themes

By the way I don't see why you shouldn't be able to use the Trisquel theme in Cinnamon.

Iscritto: 02/18/2016

It sounds easy and others agree with you. But I've already got the Trisquel theme folder in both /themes and .theme. Still it doesn't show as an option under system settings -> themes. Apparently one can only add or choose themes downloaded from within the settings page.

Iscritto: 05/15/2011

Hey Jacob,

Are you thinking of creating a Cinnamon theme that fits into the Trisquel color scheme and icons? If you want to put the effort into that, then that sounds awesome. If you pull it off, maybe it will be included in the main theme package when Trisquel 8 comes out due to Cinnamon being in the official repositories for Ubuntu 16.04/Trisquel 8:

As of February 2016, the 2.8.x series currently in the Ubuntu 16.04 repositories is the latest.

Iscritto: 02/18/2016

I would really like that but I think it's out of my (technical) reach. When looking at the files in each theme folder I do get the feeling that I might relatively easy (not necessarily rapid though) learn to do it. But I would need some guidance to get going.

For now I'll try fiddling with it in a VM but if anyone has suggestions on how to get started I would like to look at it.