Complete solution for online privacy
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You can easily set complete solution for online privacy:
wow. that's a lot of info! Bookmarked to read later. thx
Interesting, though it doesn't suit me for several reasons :
- When overseas, it implies the server is always on.
I'd rather have a smaller server I can move around (think yunohost on a Beaglebone Black, which I have yet to try).
I'd rather cut everything when I'm away (it might not burn or anything, but why take the risk? Also, If I have a power outage, I'll probably will have to turn it back up, even though it's can probably be automated. Also this way, my data is physically close to me).
- I was told that having my own instance of OpenVPN means I'm the only user, thus my privacy isn't too good, even if it's encrypted. I didn't dig too much on this one, I might be wrong. But it seems to make sense since what goes out of the VPN is only me, not me and other users.
- it looks hard to set up. Yunohost seems easier.
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