Demand for XFCE Trisquel ("Trixquel"?)

20 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 03/04/2010

Hi. Is there a demand for an XFCE-derivative of Trisquel? Just curious of the public opinion here.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/27/2010

Nope, very happy with gnome. KDE is too much stuff, XFCE on the other hand not enough. Gnome is just right for me.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 12/28/2009

We already have Trisquel Mini. Too many cooks spoil the broth, I say.

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

I really don't like LXDE...

Realistically, putting OpenBox in XFCE will yield similar performance gains.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 12/28/2009

LXDE is a much newer project than XFCE. Give it time.

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

What's wrong with spending that time with Xfce? :P

It isn't that LXDE immature, more-so that I don't like how it has been designed. For example Thunar vs. PCMan, Thunar in my testing is just better designed and way more minimalist.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 12/28/2009

LXDE's aim is not to be bare-bones minimalist. Rather, it aims to be a genuinely light-weight desktop environment whereas Xfce only presumes to be one but fails because it wants to have its cake (as many features as GNOME/KDE) and eat it too.

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

You are mistaking the goals of the Xubuntu project, circa version 8/9, with the goals of Xfce. During those version, the developers of Xubuntu strayed from their original goals and starting adding unnecessary GNOME and KDE components to Xubuntu, creating a distro that was larger and slower than Ubuntu. That's why Arch is listed as a popular Xfce distro, because they can install Xfce w/out the fat that is included with other Xfce distros. Xfce has not strayed from its lightweight goal, and that is shown by the fact that a large portion of LXDE is XFCE code. Also, compare Thunar to PCMFileman; Thunar is far more minimalist and lightweight. Furthermore, LXDE seems more like a collection of random parts, whereas XFCE has been designed with each part having a common base. Openbox, for example, is still quite separate from the LXDE project.

Heck, even Trisquel Mini features programs such as Gigalo and Midori, both a part of the XFCE project.

Iscritto: 12/03/2010

Re: Money spending, questions for the candidates

Richard Stallman
Mon, 03 Dec 2007 20:56:37 -0800

GNOME is based on a philosophy, but it is not just a philosophy.
It is a project to develop and maintain a desktop environment.

A technical project has to make specific technical decisions. It
can't favor all the options that fit the philosophy; often it has to
choose an avenue and follow it. Whatever the choices, some might call
them "favoritism", but that's tough. Choosing can't be avoided.

GNOME is a desktop environment, but it is not just a desktop
environment. It is also based on a philosophy of free software and
freedom. That philosophy sometimes yields specific ethical reasons
for making specific technical choices. To someone who thinks only in
terms of technology, these might seem like "favoritism", but favoring
the ethical (or what leads to it) over the unethical is right and

The sort of favoritism that would be improper is to make a decision
for the sake of profit (rather than the success of GNOME and the
triumph of freedom).

foundation-list mailing list
name at domain

Concentrate on the main Trisquel desktop based on GNOME, and help to decide which applications are most useful for the distribution.

My personal opinion is that Trisquel is one of the best install and go desktops out there, coupled with the fact that it's 100% Software Libre. I've tried them all: Gobuntu, gNewSense, etc.

I've already got my eyes on improving the (American English) documentation, as well as bringing more useful and up to date stable applications into the distribution.

Here's to 2011.

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

This has nothing to do with topic on hand. Secondly, Gnome has its problems too, like its relationship to Mono.

Iscritto: 10/06/2009

I installed Xfce from the repos and ran it happily for many months at work - no need for a separate release/iso, IMHO - give it a try! :)

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

Thanks for your advice. The Xfce package, though adequate, is really quite sad IMO. It has no Trisquel customizations, and even comes with leftover Xubuntu data. I can customize it of course, but it would be nice to have a Trisquel-oriented XFCE package.

Jose Benito

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 02/20/2009

Maybe if the community wants to work on it (like grvrulz will do with KDE :)), as that practically only two hackers maintain the official versions.

Iscritto: 09/23/2010

what we need is a new metapackage, called xfce-trisquel or something similar, that will install xfce and default settings for the desktop.. maybe an XFWM theme and the trisquel wallpaper.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 12/28/2009

That sounds like a good idea, but maybe we don't have the manpower at this time to get it done between everything else.

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

The quality of the final product of Trisquel is quite impressive considering the lack of manpower. Perhaps an Xfce meta package should be made a little bit at a time. I don't think there is a great urgency. I'd be willing to help where I can.

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

Should we make a new thread or wiki page outlining such a project, with similar discussion to what happened in the Trisquel mini thread?


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 12/28/2009

Ask quidam what he thinks before making a wiki page.

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

What is his preferred method of communication?


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 12/28/2009

IRC on the #trisquel channel, or sending an email.

Iscritto: 03/04/2010

Just sent an email. Hope this can commence!