desktop freezes when trying to use compiz in Trisquel 7

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Iscritto: 08/25/2010

Hello everyone:

Today I been trying to use compiz with Trisquel 7, but when ever I install and run "compiz --replace" the windows and desktop become unusable, like if they were frozen.

While I was trying to find what to do to solved this I made a copy of the following file:


and I named it


And when I booted using the new session from LightDM, I didn't have this problem at all, I could run "compiz --replace" no problem.

Starting the first session keeps having the same problem.

What do you think may be the problem?


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Iscritto: 08/25/2010

Windows and the panel become a little transparent and it just freezes there. What could it be?

Iscritto: 06/02/2012

$ compiz --replace
replaces the metacity window manager but might not stop the compton
compositor that might be causing that.


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Iscritto: 08/25/2010

Thank Sachin :)

Do you have any idea of what could be done to fix it?

Iscritto: 06/02/2012

there's /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome-flashback.session
copy it, rename the new file to gnome-compiz.session, edit this file,
replace metacity with compiz.

also copy and rename the /usr/share/xsessions/trisquel-desktop.session
edit it and replace "Exec=gnome-session --session=gnome-flashback"
with "Exec=gnome-session --session=gnome-compiz"

davidnotcoulthard (non verificato)

And you'd have to remove Compton as well (if it's there - I don't know since my installations all originated from debootstrap), maybe try removing compton?


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Iscritto: 08/25/2010

You were right guys, compton was the problem, killing the process does help :)

davidnotcoulthard , I didn't want to uninstall compton, I will like to leave one Trisquel session untouched.

Sachin, editing trisquel-desktop.session line:




Seems not to be enough. When I tried to log using that session "Exec=gnome-session --session=gnome-compiz" the desktop simply did not start.

What I've been doing is start compiz --replace on my start up applications. So I guess that could work for now.

Thank you all for your help :)

Iscritto: 06/29/2013

If you want to disable compton without uninstall it do this:

$ sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/compton-autostart.desktop

Then, comment every line in that file:

#[Desktop Entry]
#Name=Compton composition manager

that should do.


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Iscritto: 08/25/2010

Thanks a_slacker_here, I most probably will uninstall Compton. I'm most interested on finding a way to create a gnome-session that uses compiz instead of having to started from the start up applications with compiz --replace