diaspora or Mastodon???

9 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 01/18/2014

i'm alimiracle
Do you remember me
If you are old in this community
and your have strong memory
you will remember me.
If you are new in this community
you don't know me lol
now for my Stupid question
diaspora or Mastodon???
in fact i'm old diaspora user
And thinking about transition
to Mastodon

have fun and be free
ali miracle

Iscritto: 09/13/2010

" diaspora or Mastodon???"


That's my only response. To clarify, I mean that it's important to use decentralized social networking, which one is not important. How you choose is going to be based what's important to a person, like where your friends are and etc.

Also, I understand that diaspora eventually plans to implement ActivityPub which will let diaspora and Mastodon talk to each other, rendering this question moot because at that point it won't matter which you're on.

Iscritto: 08/26/2015

Alimiracle, greetings! In my opinion, Mastodon is much more popular than Diaspora. So, if you want to interact with more people, Mastodon is a better choice. Why not just try Mastodon and see if you like it?

My instance is https://floss.social which is an instance mainly focused on those who love and/or develop for Free Linux Open Source Software.


Iscritto: 03/12/2015

I feel like they are different social networks. While Diaspora is more similar to Facebook, Mastodon is more similar to Twitter. So, a bit different. I tried both and liked it, but stopped using because I'm just not that interested in social networks in general.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/27/2010

I feel like I am lagging behind everyone else, because I never really had a facebook account, or a diaspora / mastodon / etc. account. What is so good about being on diaspora, or mastodon for that matter? None of my friends is there, so chatting with them there would not be an option, since we already keep in touch otherwise.

What's good on mastodon? What's good on diaspora? I mean, beyond keeping in touch with people. Do they offer a videochat similar to skype?

Mela Sapiens
Iscritto: 12/19/2018

Mastodon is fucwitter like. If you are looking for an alternative to Skype, I recommend you Wire, Linphone and Jitsi Meet.

The last one is conference and chat inside it only, without account and without client (android exception) by using browser.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/27/2010

Thanks! I used to try and look for a solution, which would work crossplatform on a Windows and a GNU/Linux machine. Basically, I failed because I wasn't able to find a program that would run on both platforms. My friend is not too eager to use something else but skype and I have no access to a Windows-7 machine in order to really make a usable step-by-step instruction for him.

But wire for example seems to work cross platform not just with Windows and GNU/Linux, but even with Android?

Iscritto: 09/13/2010

"What is so good about being on diaspora, or mastodon for that matter?"

The most fundamentally important part, as opposed to being on (say) Facebook, is helping to decentralize the internet. Eben Moglen talks about why this is important:


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/27/2010

I'm agreeing with the basic point, that the internet should be more decentralized than it is today. The massive power some of the companies are getting is a threat for the original ideas behind internet - mainly equal access for all users to the information provided by the servers.

Maybe I should just signup at diaspora and look at it first hand.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 10/31/2014

>What's good on diaspora

variety both of users and content. Users post and follow #tags and they tend not to post selfies and/or food pictures.
In a word: idiots seem to be a minority on the platform..

Of, course, last bu not least: a lot of cat pictures :P