Discussion about the maintenance and future development of Back In Time (backup program)
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For those interested, there is an ongoing conversation about the maintenance and future development of Back In Time, the program that comes with Trisquel for backups. The current maintainer is handing over the lead https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/issues/1232#issuecomment-1062082275.
The discussion takes place of Back In Time's repository: https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/issues/1232.
Also, a mailing list was set up 2 weeks ago: https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/bit-dev.python.org/ (https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/issues/1232#issuecomment-1146882621).
I have been using Back In Time on my system, and was wondering what was the status of the maintenance.
I'm not concerned; the matter will sort itself out. And even if it doesn't it's common for distros to continue to apply fixes to packages even if upstream doesn't (I'm reminded of a certain assembler that's been unmaintained upstream for years but still gets patches to keep on working) and so Back In Time will continue functioning as it does; it's not as if the software's just going to up and die all of a sudden. Even if those patches don't materialize there will be plenty of time to evaluate options and make a selection for Trisquel 11.
Thank you for the info and explanation, jxself. I did not know.
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