Email address
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Where is my Email address shown ? I assumed it was hidden.
On the mailing lists, who ever joined and subscribed can see email addresses on the lists.
On 09/03/20 12:17, t...@g... wrote:
> Where is my Email address shown ? I assumed it was hidden.
As I am writing this e-mail, the first line reads t...@g... Your
full address was there, I cared to edit it out and leave only the initials.
The Trisquel Forum is both a web forum and an e-mail list. This
allows members to access the Forum any way they link, and I find that to
be great. Some people prefer access through the web forum. Other
people, like me, prefer access through e-mail - we get to automatically
keep a copy of our messages, and if our access to e-mail is through SMTP
rather than through webmail, our copy is local and no closure of servers
can take it away from us. Also, we can sign it cryptographically in
case we want to.
E-mail lists are basically e-mail resenders - they resend the
accepted messages to every address on the list, keeping the original
headers. This is so for the sake of simplicity, but more importantly to
keep traceability. Any receiver can read the headers and trace back the
e-mail route. This allows to report incoming e-mail spam messages,
tracing them back not only to the Trisquel Forum, but the full way back
to its origin. This ensures that the Trisquel Forum wouldn't be blamed
for the spam and is, of course, a priority. Spammers could introduce
spam messages through the web forum as well, but that is less likely
because they would have to develop a way to automatize the sending
through the web forum, and that would be too burdensome for them -
spammers are lazy. Also, an alerted administrator could immediately
disable any spam account, making that effort sterile.
It comes to this: because this Forum has a double nature, both web
Forum and e-mail list, it is required for every user to have an e-mail
address, and that address to be displayed every message for those who
get them through the e-mail list.
(And when people reply to you through e-mail, their e-mail client
will likely put your e-mail address at the top line of the reply. In
the past, this caused your e-mail address to be shown at the web
Forumtoo, which was incovenient because spam web crawlers would collect
that address and add it to their list. People were told to edit out the
e-mail addresses in their replies, and reprimanded if failed to. Years
ago, when I was a newcomer to this double-nature Forum, it took me a
couple of tries to get it right. But that was in the past... nowadays a
fix for that has been issued: the web forum software identifies e-mail
addresses and replaces them with "name at domain", so no e-mail address
is shown.)
If you don't want your e-mail address to be related to the Trisquel
Forum, the only advice I can give you is to create a different e-mail
address solely for this purpose. I guess you could redirect the
incoming e-mail address to this specific account to /dev/null , making
it a send-only account.
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
But that was in the past... nowadays a fix for that has been issued: the web forum software identifies e-mail addresses and replaces them with "name at domain", so no e-mail address is shown.)
Email addresses are still shown in the mailing list archive:
On 09/03/20 13:50, name at domain wrote:
> But that was in the past... nowadays a fix for that has been issued:
> the web forum software identifies e-mail addresses and replaces them
> with "name at domain", so no e-mail address is shown.)
> Email addresses are still shown in the mailing list archive:
I was referring to the web forum, not to the Mailman application,
or the Piperman variant on this case.
Wait, is Pipermail openly accessable without a password? Well, in
case of need, that is as much easy to fix as to set up the access
through password.
But as of now, I thank you for your link as it helps to show what I
was saying. Let's check out the thread "I have to use non free
software. Would that make Trisquel redundant?". There are recent
messages there, let's take this one from Caleb on Wed Mar 4 19:53:34 CET
2020 (excuse me, Caleb, but your seems to be the most recent example).
Apparently, Caleb didn't edit the e-mail address shown in the first line
of his reply. So we get to see how the two applications handle this
unedited e-mail address in order to prevent spam web crawlers from
collecting it:
On Pipermail, the message begins with the line "On 3/4/20 5:43 AM,
m...16 at m... wrote:" (the ellipsis are mine so the address is not
exposed), so the only masking done is to replace the @ for the word "at":
On the Trisquel web forum application, whatever its name is, the message
begins with the line "On 3/4/20 5:43 AM, name at domain wrote:", so the
web forum application took care of avoiding to display the e-mail
address (just as I exposed on my last message):
In order to confirm this behavior, I am sending this reply beginning
with a reply line with a full, fake e-mail address. I copy the first
line below with spaces inserted, so you can compare the first and last
lines from this message and find out what different changes were done by
both the Pipermail application and the Trisquel web forum :
On 09/03/20 13:50, not . this . address @ not . this . domain . com wrote:
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
Ignacio Agulló;
t comes to this: because this Forum has a double nature, both web
Forum and e-mail list, it is required for every user to have an e-mail
address, and that address to be displayed every message for those who
get them through the e-mail list.
I see, thanks.
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