FaceBook page?

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Iscritto: 04/14/2011

Has any one thought of doing a facebook page this might attract new users and i would be willing to help

Iscritto: 04/07/2011

On 20/04/11 02:14 PM, name at domain wrote:
> Has any one thought of doing a facebook page this might attract new
> users and i would be willing to help

Although Facebook might attract "some" attention. I think Trisquel
users should be encouraged not to use Facebook's service, and encourage
other not to as well.


I love the Dislike button.

Just my 2 cents.



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Iscritto: 12/28/2009

Facebook is a humongous faceless corporation that sells out its users' privacy to other faceless corporations, gives people the illusion of social connectedness, and generally encourages mental atrophy on all levels. Skip it.

Iscritto: 02/12/2011

I agree wholeheartedly! If it weren't for my family, I'd have ditched F-book long ago. It really is a bad idea.


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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

I would agree. If you think of it like a free software program. The ONLY time using a non-free program is acceptable really is when using it specifically to design a free replacement for said program.

Thus using facebook would only be acceptable when designing or convincing others to use a free replacement for facebook basically. I quit it a couple years ago. I used to use it when it was college students only (required a .edu address) but it has gotten uglier and uglier every year.

HOWEVER, if it could draw attention to Trisquel that may be a good thing. If a user happens to have a facebook account (while I would recommend against this I'm sure one trisquel user somewhere has one) they could probably create a unofficial group. Pointing users towards Free software is always a good thing. I don't know. I'm kinda half way now that I think about it.

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

I believe Facebook is mainly using Free softwares... and that is good for them. However that is not our business since that is not our computing! The problem raised by Facebook is nothing to do with Free vs. proprietary software, it is a problem of giving private information to a central point, which, moreover, happens to be a US company that cannot afford to insult the US government (or the CIA) that loves to know everything about everybody (especially is this everybody is composed of activists, political opponents, etc.).

Iscritto: 03/04/2011

I have a Facebook account. I plan to get rid of it eventually. I have it because I have a lot of friends and family on there. While I wish they weren't, I have been able to use it to inform them of the evils in front of their face, like Facebook itself, and proprietary software.

Anyhow, until I close my account, I have "liked" both RMS and Trisquel. Someone will have created it in time anyhow, and I see nothing wrong with promoting it. These are after all, those that need to hear the message the most...

Iscritto: 02/08/2010

Well... if not a dedicated Trisquel page... how about a Trisquel Users and Admins page? Just to show the number of people that use it?

Either that or the FSF and Trisquel should help to push Diaspora... I'm still waiting for an invite from them....



I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/27/2010

Aren't there any other social networks that don't interfere with peoples privacy and freedom? Youtube used to be OK, but now that one is required to get a googlemail account, I am not sure any more.

There is a facebook look-a-like, vkontakte (can be translated as "in touch"). It originates in Russia but has more than one language by now. They use xmpp for communicating, might be a good alternative to fbook - we will reach many people and won't be under the control of fbook.

robsanchezjr (non verificato)

Contact me and list me your email there. I will give you an invite.

BTW, there are also Diaspora Nodes that don't need an invite: https://diasp.org/users/sign_up

Iscritto: 03/04/2011

Would like an invite as well, I requested one on the first day...


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Iscritto: 08/02/2010

@robsanchezjr What's the difference between having an invite and a Diaspora Node?

robsanchezjr (non verificato)

I'm not really sure how to answer this question, so I'll try to answer it the way I see it.

@fabio: I equated node with seed. Not really sure if there's a difference between the two. Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

There are a lot of Diasporas installed out there. Here's a list of them http://podupti.me/

Iscritto: 02/08/2010

I signed up. They have stuff like groups or anything? I.E. Make a Trisquel users group?

robsanchezjr (non verificato)

AFAIK Diaspora doesn't have groups--only user accounts. What can be done is one of the Trisquel higher-ups can create a Trisquel user account there and we'll all "share" with it.


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Iscritto: 02/01/2011

http://www.gnewbook.org/ might be what you're looking for. I haven't tried it so I don't know if it's good or not, but at least the principles seem to be sound.

Iscritto: 03/12/2010

There is also diaspora.


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Iscritto: 12/28/2009

The dilemma here is either using a poor website that almost everybody uses, or a theoretically good website that almost nobody does... :(

Jose Benito

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Iscritto: 02/20/2009

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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

You think that's strange? Check this out: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Richard-Stallman/19594649480

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

The *real* RMS does not have a Facebook page. On http://stallman.org, you can read: "I do not have a facebook account; I have never logged in on facebook. If a facebook page says it is about me, it was made by someone else".


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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

Of course it's not the real RMS, everyone who has visited his homepage should be able to detect that. To me it's just a strange/funny curiosity, I never thought there would be someone who actually pretends to be RMS on facebook.

Jose Benito

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Iscritto: 02/20/2009

btw i don't know who created that

Iscritto: 04/14/2011

I guess i was late didnt even know that there was a Trisquel page on FB even searched and found nothing

Iscritto: 02/12/2011

There is identi.ca, a microblogging site and there is now also freelish.us, a social bookmarking site, I use both of them. I deactivated by Fbook and will never use it again. I put FSF icons and info on my blog as well. I highly recommend all free software supporters to do the same!

I have an account at joindiaspora.com with a few invites remaining. If anyone here wants one, just let me know with your email addy.

Trisquel 4.5 is a very good operating system, I'm quite impressed with it. I've been using other OS for years, mostly Ubuntu, sometimes openSUSE or Mandriva or PCLinuxOS. But they all use proprietary software blobs so not 4 me!