FBI: All your Internet and Tor are belong to us
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Law enforcement does not need a warrant to hack someone’s computer, according to a just-unsealed court order written by a federal judge in Virginia.
Here's the news article:
The implications for the decision, if upheld, are staggering: law enforcement would be free to remotely search and seize information from your computer, without a warrant, without probable cause, or without any suspicion at all.
That's a fraction of the Blog post from the EFF regarding this new Federal Law, here's the whole thing: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/06/federal-court-fourth-amendment-does-not-protect-your-home-computer
And here's a 58-page document from the judge (in both .TXT and .PDF): https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2897295-Matish-Suppression-Edva.html#document/p53/a304399
Even if you don't live in the US you should pay attention about this. Remember that FBI knows no borders or jurisdiction limits. Just remember who took Megaupload down. And don't forget that Magaupload servers where outside the US.
David, can you please move this thread to the troll hole lounge.
Yet another solid reason to stick to Free Hardware and Free
Software: every other computer seems to be part of massive spying
machinary now in a world which despises the Human Rights and,
specifically, the right to privacy.
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
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An interesting subject but one that's likely to attract a lot of off-topic conversation, so I think it'll fit better in our off-topic forum.
Then let it become off-topic before moving it. There wasn't anything off-topic in this thread. In fact this is even more relevant than the last thread. And all I did was to cite other people like the EFF. I really tried to avoid the reasons why the other thread was moved. But all I get is "no matter what you say you're banned from the main forum"
There's a lot of really off-topic threads in the main forum right now and you only move this? Without any reason?
And why this guy ( https://trisquel.info/en/forum/asus-a68hm-plus-review#comment-99398 ) get another chance but I don't? Why are now all my new threads banned from the main forum? There wasn't anything wrong with this thread and you know it.
I am even thinking that this Trisquel "project" is a false flag.

You're right about other threads at the trisquel-users forum being off-topic, and I frequently have doubts about what to do with them, but that doesn't mean that this one doesn't fit better in this forum. I try to judge each case in its own merits.
I don't think it's fair of you to say "all my new threads are banned from the main forum", but I understand and appreciate your effort in the opening post towards a better kind of conversation.
You might notice though that moving this thread is not a way of punishing or silencing you or obscuring the subject matter, it's just a bit of moderation and I don't think we can be accused of being overly harsh with that (sometimes inevitably needed) aspect at this site.
The topic matters, but so does the presentation. For example, you can talk directly about Trisquel (what could be a more appropriate topic?), but if you talk about trisquel using trolling, flaming, and baiting, then you are acting against the values of the community.
You have a tendency to 'go too far' in an effort to bait people. For instance, this last post of yours. It was not necessary to say: "I am thinking that this Trisquel 'project' is a false flag." You had made your point and this only serves to be nasty and/or to bait people into arguing with you. It is almost as though you are saying, "well, if I say this nasty thing they must respond to me. But if I am less nasty people may ignore me." That is baiting and it is a violation of the values of these forums. So it is not just a question of what you talk about. It is also a matter of how you talk about it.
Ultimately it is the fault of the troll, but there is some blame on the part of those responding. We could choose to ignore you, and we should choose to ignore you when you are baiting. We should choose to ignore anybody who is baiting. If we are not going to, however, if we are not going to moderate ourselves in this way, then it is reasonable for there to be a moderator. I'm grateful to David for doing it, since it is not fun to have to make these calls. I suggested closing the thread, but I knew it wasn't up to me and I'm glad it isn't; It is no fun being judge and jury when, no matter what you do, some people will not be happy!
lol loldier That guy curses so much he makes Richard Nixon sound like a choirboy!
"His mind is gone": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yivhYo7_tUk
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