Flash player
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After using Xubuntu for 5 years I think, I'm now using Trisquel and I like it!
But firefox is using standard 'swfdec' for flash applications, when I want to remove it, then also firefox removed. I want to use Adobe Flash Player, because swfdec doesn't work good.
Now I have removed firefox and using Seamonkey with adobe, but when I install firefox also swfdec install. Is there a option to install firefox without installing swfdec?
Greetz, Sparky
(from Holland)
name at domain wrote:
> After using Xubuntu for 5 years I think, I'm now using Trisquel and I
> like it!
> But firefox is using standard 'swfdec' for flash applications, when I
> want to remove it, then also firefox removed. I want to use Adobe Flash
> Player, because swfdec doesn't work good.
> Now I have removed firefox and using Seamonkey with adobe, but when I
> install firefox also swfdec install. Is there a option to install
> firefox without installing swfdec?
> Greetz, Sparky
> (from Holland)
I would actually love this dep to be removed as well, to just not have
any flash player installed; I find 'swfdec' doesn't help mozilla
stability, and sites that require flash can go where the sun don't shine
Daniel JB Clark | Sys Admin, Free Software Foundation
pobox.com/~dclark | http://www.fsf.org/about/staff#danny
Choosing Trisquel is about making a political and a social decision that's
free software about, it's about you having control over your computing and
not sombody else. If you use Adobe Flash Player then it's Adobe telling
your computer what to do, proprietary software gives the developer control
and not the user.
You can make a little sacrifice by not using that proprietary plugin,
Swfdec and the Gnash plugin are good alternatives for viewing flash
content on the web.
What's the point switching to a free operatingsystem if you install
propretary software in it?
On Fri, 25 Sep 2009, name at domain wrote:
> After using Xubuntu for 5 years I think, I'm now using Trisquel and I like
> it!
> But firefox is using standard 'swfdec' for flash applications, when I want to
> remove it, then also firefox removed. I want to use Adobe Flash Player,
> because swfdec doesn't work good.
> Now I have removed firefox and using Seamonkey with adobe, but when I install
> firefox also swfdec install. Is there a option to install firefox without
> installing swfdec?
> Greetz, Sparky
> (from Holland)
> _______________________________________________
> Trisquel-users mailing list
> name at domain
> http://listas.trisquel.info/mailman/listinfo/trisquel-users
Trisquel-users mailing list
name at domain
Please allow me to be a bit rude, perhaps. Rafu basically has a good point when he askes: What's the point switching to a free operating system if you install proprietary software in it? But to me his reply also feels like: if you don't want to keep (in this case) Trisquel totally free you have nothing to do here. Please leave.
How free is free if you are actively discouraged to use properly working "non-free" software? I also want to be free to install Skype, nVidia drivers, Adobe Flash or even Acrobat Reader if I consider this necessary. I know what it means when I use it and I prefer not to use this software, but I also want the job on hand to be done properly. Perhaps to many people choosing Trisquel is about making a political and social decision in which direction we want the software on our computers to go?
So in order to find out the scope of this forum: are we allowed to discuss the installation of non-free software on this forum or should we only discuss the free alternatives?
El dg 27 de 09 de 2009 a les 14:36 +0000, en/na name at domain va
> Please allow me to be a bit rude, perhaps. Rafu basically has a good point
> when he askes: What's the point switching to a free operating system if you
> install proprietary software in it? But to me his reply also feels like: if
> you don't want to keep (in this case) Trisquel totally free you have nothing
> to do here. Please leave.
Complete wrong, we only say that if your intention is to install
propietary software is better for you to use a non 100% free
distribution such as Ubuntu or OpenSuse, Trisquel doesn't have
propietary software on its repositories so you'll have to download them
from the web and install them "manually", but doing this using Trisquel
has no sense.
> How free is free if you are actively discouraged to use properly working
> "non-free" software? I also want to be free to install Skype, nVidia drivers,
> Adobe Flash or even Acrobat Reader if I consider this necessary. I know what
> it means when I use it and I prefer not to use this software, but I also want
> the job on hand to be done properly. Perhaps to many people choosing Trisquel
> is about making a political and social decision in which direction we want
> the software on our computers to go?
Good point of view, we are constantly discouraging the use of non-free
software because it has nothing good for the culture and the society and
because the only way to stop the developing of it is using only free
software, doing this is the best solution to have good quality free
software because companies will be of our side. It's just a little bit
of effort, we know propietary software is better (speaking of quality)
but we have to fight to improve free software until the level of the
propietary one, then tell me, what will you prefer, free software or
propietary software?
> So in order to find out the scope of this forum: are we allowed to discuss
> the installation of non-free software on this forum or should we only discuss
> the free alternatives?
We are free to discuss about everything, but for us it has no sense
recommend the installation of non-free software.
Aitor Ruano Miralles <name at domain>
Trisquel-users mailing list
name at domain
Thank you for your reply. I think you make a good point. But since I like to look at things from different perspectives I also do think that Trisquel is a good starting point for people who wish to use non-free software for whatever reason.
See, if you use OpenSuse or Sabayon and to a certain extend Ubuntu you never even have to think about the issue proprietary or non-proprietary software. You just install with a click of your mouse. But with Trisquel you have to make an extra effort to install non-free software like you mention, so you are much more likely to consider the necessity of installing it or even to take action against it. Like, for instance, writing to the software company or starting a project that will end the "need" for installing the proprietary software.
Exactly, complete agree with you.
El dg 27 de 09 de 2009 a les 18:26 +0000, en/na name at domain va
> Thank you for your reply. I think you make a good point. But since I like to
> look at things from different perspectives I also do think that Trisquel is a
> good starting point for people who wish to use non-free software for whatever
> reason.
> See, if you use OpenSuse or Sabayon and to a certain extend Ubuntu you never
> even have to think about the issue proprietary or non-proprietary software.
> You just install with a click of your mouse. But with Trisquel you have to
> make an extra effort to install non-free software like you mention, so you
> are much more likely to consider the necessity of installing it or even to
> take action against it. Like, for instance, writing to the software company
> or starting a project that will end the "need" for installing the proprietary
> software.
> _______________________________________________
> Trisquel-users mailing list
> name at domain
> http://listas.trisquel.info/mailman/listinfo/trisquel-users
Aitor Ruano Miralles <name at domain>
Trisquel-users mailing list
name at domain
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