Food Pirate
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I had this idea this morning. It's a comic about the term "piracy":
HaHa - you sir, are a genius!
Lol, you know you are wrong ;) you are comparing things that have nothing to be compared, and exaggerating one of the arguments to make it look ridiculous.
But oh well... I have already tried so many times to explain here why piracy is bad that I don't think I will waste my time trying again. If anyone wants to know why piracy (the illegal distribution of digital content) is bad, ask me and I will explain it again.
But hey, onpon4, keep doing your cartoons, they are funny, and I have already said that in another thread, I like them. I just don't agree with what you think that's all ;)
I don't consider illegal sharing as ethical any more. Actually I agree now with you that it's wrong.
But I still don't think piracy is the right term....
Ok, I have to ask what made you change your mind?
Although it's a good thing to have you finally realizing that it is wrong of course ;)
As for the term, I would gladly stop using the term if it would make everyone realize how wrong it is ;) eheh.
Please answer my question. Thanks.
I thought about our discussion and I realized that you're giving some kind of promise when buying things;
Everyone knows about copyright law when buying, for instance, a cd. He gives a promise not to share this stuff with others.
Breaking a promise is bad and we shouldn't do it. The point is, we know exactly what licence terms we agree to *before* buying.
So yeah, actually our discussion was the origin of my change of attitude.
Since I realized this, I don't feel offended anymore by the term "piracy" but I think it doesn't apply here and I don't like the fact that some companies created it in order to justify there licences.
But I don't have any better.
Well, I will be damned! I am stunned, actually someone here got it right because of all the "long texts" I wrote and amazingly it was you! xD
I am happy really, and just was surprised when I read your comment. I also understand the thing about "piracy", maybe is not the best but it's what we have got right now, maybe we will come up with something better, and like I said in another comments, there are of course moments when some sharings may be illegal and not necessarily wrong, but that is the more reason for us to act different and reject "piracy" as a way of living wihtout thinking about it. Maybe if we try to make things change then we won't really need "piracy" anymore ;)
Keep it up man! =)
hey quantumgravity, I was thinking about something you wrote once. You said "I am happy with CC stuff". Would you mind sharing some of the CC stuff you like that has enough quality to make one not have the need to pirate stuff? Say, some musics and books you like, or some artists that use freer licenses on their work...
THANKS! I always like to learn about new free cool content :)
Oh sure, but I think you already know about my sources since I learned about them in this thread.
At the moment, I'm listening to most of the time, though I don't like that there is no donation button and they advertise their music as "free of charge".
When it comes to Ebooks, I can highly recommend .
The best pieces of literature are available under a free licence and that's really awsome. I don't need modern bestseller anyway!
I don't have a really good source for CC movies so I buy dvds or watch them in the cinema. That's pretty much it!
Actually I meant more like "who are your favorite artists who use CC?" or "What is your favorite movie under CC?"
Lol, I really don't listen to a lot of music (except when I am driving, and I just change the station from time to time lol), so that would be helpful.
As for movies, I have mentioned in the forum already that I like independent cinema a lot, and I actually watch some fanfilms (amateur movies made by fans of a certain character or story) and I have been keeping my eyes out for most CC movies out there.
Yes, gutenberg project is just amazing :D I also like Librivox recordings a lot. They actually use gutenberg as source, so about everything on those 2 are free in any part of the world nowadays. I would sugest if you like reading, to go to a public library near you, sometimes is a "illuminating" experience :)
Ahh, now I got it.
I'll pick just a few artists from my wild genre-mix:
Löhnstana David makes really relaxing french folk I like very much.
I also like some songs of Blackanges , especially "sunwaves" and "summer day">
Then I can offer a bit of Trance, some kind of Electro and spanish folk
Don't know your musical taste so maybe it's not quite your style...
Oh yeah, librivox is great.
And the public library is a bit of my second living room ^^
Sorry for taking so long to reply.
Thanks for the sugestions, we do have different musical tastes though :P
I too used to almost "live" inside the public library xD
Too bad Jamendo does not seem to work under Tor.
Thanks anyway =)
Lol, you know you are right ;) you are comparing things that are the same.
Its kinda funny how copyright rules are exactly as crazy in reel world as in the comic. Situation in real world is a bit more crazy if we consider surveillance, drm and everything.
Another problem is that there are no viable options to "illegal" sharing.
Even more so if you reject DRM, and proprietary software.
Another problem is when something is released in a country, and the rest of the world have to wait for it to get it legal.
Before we even can consider illegal sharing to be wrong, the copyright laws have to be right.
"Before we even can consider illegal sharing to be wrong, the copyright laws have to be right."
No, this is not a neccesary conclusion.
Just because a friend of you asks you to promise something which is unethical, breaking the promise isn't good.
The other way round makes no sense: just because breaking the promise isn't good, this doesn't mean the promise your friend wants you to give was ethical or good.
I agree that the way laws are right now is not the best. And I agree DRM are being misused these days of course, they should work a different way. HOWEVER, I think if we try to simplify things instead of over thinking them, maybe we could just look at things like... Buy a DVD or a movie online in some service and watch it using free software, it's the best thing. Simple. Just don't do "piracy". Of course, fight for laws to change too.
The vast majority of the films and games I've bought I've bought because I first 'pirated' them and liked them. I don't like to buy blind.
I don't buy music or films with the understanding that I'm promising not to share them with other people (within a small social group - I don't share stuff online). I buy them with the belief that if someone wants to borrow it, that's OK with me.
I don't really care what the industry thinks. If someone else likes what they borrow, they usually go out and buy their own copy. If they don't it's usually because they are too poor to do so and as far as I'm concerned, poverty overrides copyright. No one should be excluded from culture based on the content of their bank account and I resist the system that insists that they should be, for that system is based on greed and greed is no foundation upon which to build a society.
As far as I am concerned, as long as you're not making multiple copies, printing out covers and selling them to people, you're not breaking any laws worthy of being taken seriously.
A distinction has to be made - between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.
Blind obedience to the letter of the law is not a stance I find acceptable. I strongly disagree with anyone who instructs others that such a stance is the correct one.
Where the law says "you shall not profit from work not your own", I regard that as correct.
Where the law tries to control behaviour for no other reason than to maximise profit - like the absurdity of trying to legislate that you should have a public performance license for when you have friends over and put music on - the spirit is defeated, for the law is not one sided. If it doesn't protect my rights as owner of the copy I bought, and that includes the right to lend my property to my neighbour, as well as those of the publisher, then the law has failed and is no law worth following.
There is a difference between borrow and share copies (actually giving them away). When you borrow a CD, you are giving to someone else the CD that you have, therefore you are the one who is "losing something" in return to the good act of sharing with his friend. And even between a small group of people, maybe making a copy of two that everyone could use (let's say 2 or 3 people live together and such) that wouldn't really be so bad or wrong (even if it is still illegal, which is not really my main point). BUT when you make a copy and put it in the internet, let's be honest.... 99% of the people who download content won't buy it. That's just the truth. And that actually hurts the bussiness of creating that content. I know people who had literally hundreds of movies they have downloaded and never watched because they don't have time. But if you ask them if they want to go to the cinema watch one of those movies they will say "I have that at home, I will watch it and not go to the cinema". So... if they had to pay 1 dollar for each movie they downloaded (1 dollar is not much, is it??) they would stop downloading so much. lol.
As much as we all have moments we say "that law is wrong and I won't obey it", the only correct thing to do is actually try to change the laws, because if not, we will give power to people who might just one day decide "not being able to kill rape and steal is wrong, I won't obey that law", and they will kill us all :P
That's just the truth.
The truth is people who non-commercially share artistic works are those who spend more money on culture. The truth is the music artists, unless they are superstars (and already are too rich) do not earn a dime on the sells of their music. The truth is they mainly make money on live performance. The truth is cinema is doing better than ever, breaking box office records almost every year (despite the steep increase of the tickets).
We gave you tens of links to back those "truths". Have you read, for instance, this book that is extremely well documented? Although you keep on pretending you tell the "truth" (repeating what majors make up), you never gave us any link to any study. That is because it simply is not the truth...
Also, I would like to remind you that you are disobeying the DMCA law when you read DVDs with free software.
Well, I have already told ya that I would not discuss with you anymore since you can't have a serious discussion (something that other members have pointed out too) but I am making a small exception here just to let you know that this is ** not "*. Stop pretending that just because you "post a link" or "write in blue" you are anymore right than anyone else. THANKS. Now back off -.-
A "serious" discussion is one where you can write "the truth is ..." and then blindly refuse any documented evidence of the contrary because "this is ** not "*"?! How serious is that?!
well said Magic Banana & funny comic onpon4
The solution on piracy is easy.
Stop make moves and music digital.
Use what they did before tape and cassette.
Now the entertainment industry no more loosing billions of money to piracy. The simple solution was to use tape, and now the profit has raised to 800%.
I don't get if you are trying to be funny (you were, so maybe that's a good thing :P) or if you are just trying to make things sound too ridicule to be discussed in a serious, which would be enough for me to dismiss your comment altogether... Care to clarify? ;) thanks.
Just because i *can* do something that is no reason for me to do it. My conscience should lead me, not my gifts.
I just trough that joke in there.
Ok :)
One key is to put our works (files, softwares) under liberating licenses (Creative Commons, GPL, etc.), and in free access (no DRM), so that everybody can live out of the market.
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