Foxconn partners with Mozilla and Via Technologies for making Firefox tablets

1 risposta [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 01/09/2013

Is it worth it? or should I wait a million light years for a new sponsor BETTER tablet design and approved by the FSF?

Iscritto: 01/08/2014

Bad and sad,
Of all the dedicated hardware companies currently manufacture and can produce tablets (MSI, GigaByte, Acer, Asus, FIC, Gumstix, Simmtronics and Foxconn), there are 2 betting on open hardware:

a) FIC - known for producing an exclusive phone for GNU / Linux; OpenMoko (FreeRuner)

b) Gumstix - Responsible for the Yocto project.

Apparently Mozilla is more interested in the business side, not the aspect of freedom, hopefully not stay away from our community, as happened with canonical.