Free code services not working in 32-bit ABrowser on Trisquel 8
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I'm having trouble using a number of websites in ABrowser on my 32-bit Trisquel 8 system. All of these sites are free code projects, so I'm hoping that the ABrowser devs can collaborate with the devs of these projects to help triage the problem(s), so we can figure out where the problem is, and get it fixed.
* is not displaying properly. I have filed a bug report on their GitLab instance and its proving very difficult for them to reproduce:
* As I mentioned in that issue, I've had similar display problems with the XMPP-based social client Movim, which I've tested on I haven't filed a bug on that yet, although I could if it would help.
* I'm also having display issues with I filed a bug on their issue tracker although it's currently confidential. I will ask the maintainer if we can make it public.
* I've also been unable to get the Wire web app to work as of quite recently (although I've never got voice calls to worked on ABrowser in the web app):
ABrowser is the default browser in Trisquel, which is billed as the most user-friendly GNU/Linux distro endorsed by the FSF. The services above are some of the most user-friendly replacements for non-free network services, or sites that give users information about such replacements. If we want to make computing in freedom workable for the average user, we need systems like these to inter-operate smoothly. What can I do to help?
> I'm having trouble using a number of websites in ABrowser on my 32-bit
> Trisquel 8 system.
Have you tried the same sites in Firefox and Icecat? That will help
narrow down where the problem could be.
The Wire web app works for me on Icecat on 64 bit if I turn off the librejs and 3rd party redirect built-in extensions. I don't have a 32 bit system to try it on right now. But its likely a js and/or tprd problem, as each of those definitely make the web app unusable.
> Have you tried the same sites in Firefox and Icecat? That will help
narrow down where the problem could be.
With the librejs and 3rd party redirect extensions enabled on Icecat, the Wire web app spins and spins but will not load so that you can log in. With librejs disabled but tprd enabled, you can log in an connect to a friend, but you cannot send or receive any messages. Again, that's on 64-bit, and I do not have a 32-bit to test it on.
With, it only shows a blank page if either librejs or tprd extensions are enabled on Icecat on 64-bit.
Can confirm Wire web app not loading at all on abrowser on 64-bit right now. is working on abrowser on 64-bit. Allowed me to sign up for a new account. Once I'm logged in, web page looks a bit messy, with some text elements sitting on top of each other.
> Once I'm logged in, web page looks a bit messy, with some text elements sitting on top of each other.
This is the issues I was having with Minds as well as Movim. I finally figured out that if I tick the checkbox in ABrowser settings to allow websites to choose their own custom fonts, the problem is resolved (at least on Minds). See:
Thanks for the test reports andyprough.
> With librejs disabled but tprd enabled, you can log in an connect to a friend, but you cannot send or receive any messages.
I don't get as far as a login page. All I'm getting on 32-bit ABrowser is an error message saying the browser is unsupported and asking me to install the latest "Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Microsoft Edge" (eww). While I guess it's understandable from a marketing POV, actively supporting and recommending non-free browsers (including vanilla Firefox these days) is a strike against them for user freedom :(
> web page looks a bit messy, with some text elements sitting on top of each other.
This is exactly the issue I'm having on 32-bit ABrowser. See the linked issue for more details.
> Have you tried the same sites in Firefox and Icecat?
I considered that, after andy's comment in the Wire thread. But the version of IceCat in the Trisquel repos is so old it seems likely not to work for bleeding edge sites just for that reason. Is there a more recent version available somewhere?
> All I'm getting on 32-bit ABrowser is
> an error message saying the browser is unsupported and asking me to
> install the latest "Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Microsoft
> Edge" (eww).
As far as examples of graceless degradation go, "Please install..." is
one of the more infuriating. It's right up there with "JavaScript is
required to use this app." (But I don't want to use an app, I want to
view a web page!)
> But the
> version of IceCat in the Trisquel repos is so old it seems likely not to
> work for bleeding edge sites just for that reason. Is there a more recent
> version available somewhere?
> I'm also having display issues with
There is now a public-facing bug report on this here:
Wire appears to be working again in 32-bit ABrowser. I tested whether it was also to do with the custom fonts issue that was affecting Minds, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
In case anyone scrolls to the end of this thread looking for solutions, I mentioned in a reply further up that if I tick the checkbox in ABrowser settings to allow websites to choose their own custom fonts, the display problem is resolved for This also seems to resolve the display problems I was having with Movim instances, and with For more details on this fix, see:
The Wire web app is working again now, on both 32-bit and 64-bit ABrowser. The issue there seems unrelated, as I toggled custom fonts off again and reloaded, and it seemed to make no difference.
The only other free code server software I still couldn't get working in ABrowser was CryptPad (, even with all its domains set to 'trusted' in NoScript and uBlock Origin turned off. CryptPad seems to be working in the 64-bit ABrowser, but its demands on both CPU and RAM are *very* high and the system running 32-bit ABrowser doesn't seem to be able to cope with it. This may have been the problem all along.
> In case anyone scrolls to the end of this thread looking for solutions, I mentioned in a reply further up that if I tick the checkbox in ABrowser settings to allow websites to choose their own custom fonts, the display problem is resolved for This also seems to resolve the display problems I was having with Movim instances, and with For more details on this fix, see:
> The Wire web app is working again now, on both 32-bit and 64-bit ABrowser. The issue there seems unrelated, as I toggled custom fonts off again and reloaded, and it seemed to make no difference.
Hi Strypey, that's good to hear. Are you able to use any of those services without a VPN, or do you have to use a VPN for everything to deal with the great firewall?
Sorry for the delayed reply, I just found this thread again while searching for something else ;)
> Are you able to use any of those services without a VPN, or do you have to use a VPN for everything to deal with the great firewall?
It's a mixed bag. Wire has never worked without a VPN since I got here. My email worked when I got here, but is now blocked. Other than that, most of the freedom-respecting services I use work without a VPN (I don't want to make a list of sites here for them to block ;), which makes the time I've invested in transitioning away from depending on the datafarms even more worthwhile ;)
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