The free-whatever sect
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My English is not too good. Yet, in most places it helps. Here, no. I ask for free webhosting and they answer me about webhosting using free software. It would be a lot worse to point out their stupidity that they base their answers on an advert and that they have never audited those systems.
And the more I think about it, more stupidity arises. What should I care if the virtual machine uses Trisquel, Debian or Windows when the best I can get is a shell? How about the host OS? How about the controller? How about the BIOS, network cards, switches, hubs and routers? This is the same as I use this detergent because the pope approves, this toilet cleaner because it is kosher or this pig hair brush because it is halal.
Open/free software used to have a meaning.
But now open wifi means I need to buy a device from a guy that is kosher, halal and sanctified in this church of whatever and not a way to hook up to the Internet without entering a password.
In terms of free webhosting if you talk about it in one of the rather few sites that places a decent amount of emphasis on free as in freedom for something which when the word free is put in front of it is often taken to mean free-of-charge-ness, talking about anything else that's free, on this site, most probably lead people to think that you're talking about freedom, even if this wouldn't have been true had you asked about it on another site and the same group of people read it. It's only natural, I think, which is unfortunate in your case.
I think it goes without saying that talking about gratis here should be more explicit than in most other places, for the good and for the bad.
As for open Wi-Fi, I'll go on and admit that I couldn't quite 100% follow your question (then again English isn't my mother tongue) until an Nth read when I read your post about mcD, and I thought "Well, I don't recall ever seeing anybody call that open Wi-Fi, I'd call that places where free Wi-fi is provided (and since this is a forum where Free Software is mentioned a lot I'd add, for this forum, "free-of-charge").
My 2 cents, I guess. Cheers.
Do you realize that your constant haughty or even insulting (we now are "stupid"?) attitude deter us from helping you? You have offended some of the most helpful users of this forum: chris, icarolongo, lembas, quantumgravity, armworm, teodorescup, antiesnob, myself, etc. And I do not even remember you practically helping anybody here. At least I am pretty sure you spent less time helping than putting down people who try to help (including to help you!).
elodie wrote:
> It would be a lot worse to point out their stupidity that they base their
> answers on an advert and that they have never audited those systems.
The thing is, it's easy to find gratis web hosts on a search engine, but you have a lot stricter requirements, like you expect a gratis web host that has just as good security and feature set as a paid web host. That's a lot to ask for, and I don't think anyone else on here is looking for that. Of course you're going to have a hard time finding it, and of course people who aren't really interested in it, but have suggestions for things to look at, aren't going to make absolutely sure that those suggestions fit what you want perfectly.
elodie wrote:
> But now open wifi means I need to buy a device from a guy that is kosher,
> halal and sanctified in this church of whatever and not a way to hook up to
> the Internet without entering a password.
I've always interpreted "open Wi-Fi" as "Wi-Fi access points that anyone can use". I don't think anyone interprets the term any differently. But your question in "Searching for Open Wifi" is incredibly confusing. It sounds like you're asking us, strangers on the Internet who might be on opposite corners of the globe, to tell you where to find open wireless networks in your local area. But that doesn't make sense.
YHBT - no shame, so was I
... for non-residents of Geekdom (the Geek Kingdom)
* YHBT - means "You have been trolled". Often seen as "YHBT. YHL. HAND." which means "You have been trolled. You have lost. Have a nice day." :)
To OP: If you will research the wireless mesh network started by a youngish geek named Ramon Roca you may find what you seek. He built over 10 years ago in Spain so he could work from his rural home. It is a DIY wireless network that has now spread worldwide, even to North America, using a node and supernode system. These wireless mesh networking technologies are allowing us to create a parallel internet that does not rely on an ISP or telecom company. These links explain how the technology works, and where it is currently deployed. -- skip down to 'Ramon Roca: Building Networks'
Edit: If you would like to help support this work:
I hope this helps with your research.
Be kind, for at birth none of us can speak any language.
Live Free & Do Good Things!
Also often written as a warning. Do not feed.
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