Getting an old version of trisquel for archiving purposes
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Hi, i'm victor and for the last two years i've been doing a operating system iso's collection. I've already collected +200 GB on multiples systems and i've also already included multiple Linux Distros such as Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora...
I've considered to include trisquel in the collection since it's one of the few linux distros out there that are 100% free, as it uses linux-libre, that comes without restrictive licenses or software blobs, hence respecting the true philosopy of free software unlike most mainstream distros. For that reason, in my opinion, trisquel has value in linux history.
I've already included versions 7, 6 and 4, but i can't seem to find Trisquel GNU Linux version 5 on anywhere on the internet. I've been looking for long hours but no luck, also people from the-eye, a known group for archiving thousands of historic software, but they couln't find it neither. I've also contacted to fsf latin america but they neither had the files around. I'm contacting on this forum to see if anyone is willing to help me on this, and maybe if you still have the iso around or know where to find it, it would be great if you shared it with me. The files i'm specifically looking for are these ones:
Thanks in advance for collaborating with my personal project. I'm also looking into the future to publish my collection openly to the internet so anyone can enjoy some of it's unique files.
It appears to be gone but it should be possible to re-create it because all of the source code still seems to be available via along with the corresponding scripts from for 5.5 "Brigantia."
Thanks for your advice.
I'd try that but unfortunately i'm a newbie in terms of coding or compiling things. Sometimes compiler versions or the needed libraries might be missing and that would make the original code unworkable unless someone modifies it.
>Hi, i'm victor and for the last two years i've been doing a operating system iso's collection.
I remember a gentlemen requesting links for old trisquek distros, "the older the better", on the IRC freenode, and that was circa 2 yrs ago. You must be the same distronecrofilo. That's a nice fetish you got developing there, shame on you.
I once stockpiled many TBs of legacy operating system ISOs, but purged them later. I could make much better use of my hard drives. For example, I keep multiple Kiwix offline zim files, because Wikipedia was completely taken down (censored/blocked) in my country.
Now I only keep two OS images: One is current Debian testing installer; the other is last week's Debian testing installer.
> because Wikipedia was completely taken down (censored/blocked) in my country.
真的假的?If true, it has been significantly lowering China's education level. I even think that if you have wikipedia, you don't need school education. Or at least we would be able to reduce school hours to half.
If I remember correctly, Chinese version of Wikipedia was taken down in mid 2015, and Japanese version was taken down in late 2017 (any literate Chinese people should be able to recognize most kanji). And all language versions of Wikipedia were completely censored in March or April 2019 (2~3 months before 30th anniversary of The Protest).
Fortunately, I could ask friends outside China to download the contents, encrypt them and put them in a hidden partition on a portable hard disk, and finally deliver them to the totalitarian regime.
I see, so they are quite recent incidents. I think that they should censor only some articles which are inconvenient for them, if they want to keep especially strong economy. 10 years or 20 years later, the difference of amount of knowledge between Chinese people and not censored countries people would be a wide gap.
> I could ask friends outside China to download the contents, encrypt them and put them in a hidden partition on a portable hard disk,
This is the symbol of inefficiency of the system. But it is derailing from the main topic, as always. I would raise a new thread about education...
El 28/10/19 a les 7:21, name at domain ha escrit:
> If I remember correctly, Chinese version of Wikipedia was taken down in
> mid 2015, and Japanese version was taken down in late 2017 (any literate
> Chinese people should be able to recognize most kanji). And all language
> versions of Wikipedia were completely censored in March or April 2019
> (2~3 months before 30th anniversary of The Protest).
> Fortunately, I could ask friends outside China to download the contents,
> encrypt them and put them in a hidden partition on a portable hard disk,
> and finally deliver them to the totalitarian regime. is usable with Tor Browser.
Sadly, many Trisquel installers won't work in the future - because
they are net installers that need to download packages from a central
server that will no longer provide the download. Even when you manage
to get the image for the installation disk, you won't be able to make it
work. So you see, your efforts are doomed from the start.
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
To make the legacy installation (or live) media meaningful (usable), one may need to cache the repositories for those old versions, too, which costs far more storage space (mirror servers won't keep repositories for all versions for ever). So I don't see much point stockpiling historical images (and then stopped doing so). Backing up the artworks (e.g. wallpapers) used by certain legacy versions is good enough for me.
I agree, that's why i haven't stored/archived any netinst version of any distro because they are incomplete and in some cases even won't work, but as for regular iso versions, they still work without internet connection. In this context, the only thing you'd need is compatible hardware (BIOS non UEFI) or a compatible virtualization enviroment.
As for additional software, it's true that you don't have access to the original repos anymore so the only option would be to re-compile them from old sourcecode versions, which is indeed a pain but we are dealing with an historic OS so nobody is intended to do that, unless they really want. My actual project is to collect the operating systems itself, but i'm also working and i'm planning to work on a programs/software collection. I already have a good archive on windows apps but i should look in the future to do some linux ones too so we could run some extra software on old distros.
"For that reason, in my opinion, trisquel has value in linux history."
And more significantly for Trisquel: GNU history
Sounds like a great project; all the best victor
Hi victor12bn97,
I don't know if this can help you.
The torrent links for all versions:
and in the "http_trisquel.info_6969-TRI_5.tar.gz" file, only for 5
Allegato | Dimensione |
http_trisquel.info_6969-TRI_5.tar.gz | 1.18 MB |
Thanks for your response Tebaldo,
I've already set up those torrents some weeks ago (i should have tell that before), but they have no seeds, these are mostly dead torrents. I've been able to download 5.0 64bit version iso from a slow torrent, so in that term i've been lucky. I'm still missing the 32bit version and it hasn't shown any seed since then. Also someone told me that netinst version has seeds but these versions are very incomplete and deppend on external repos to be complete or to even work. External repos which are mostly dead or has only incompatible software versions, so i don't think that's suitable for my collection.
Hi Victor, it's awesome you want to include Trisquel in your collection. I can't help you with the missing versions of Trisquel, but if you're looking for hosting to make your collection publicly available, I suggest contacting and
Possibly also
Great, i might conisder that. In fact, i was able to get trisquel version 4 via
Thanks everyone for your support! i didn't knew i'd receive this friendly community on trisquel forum, so i'm more than pleased for your effort. Hope we get to our purpose.
As i have already said in a comment, i've already obtained trisquel 5.0 64bit so technically i'd be more than done if we found 5.0 32 bit. I've also said on the original post i'd be interested in 5.5 but that version seem to be even more lost than the other and it's a point release anyway so i could miss on that.
Complete imageset of Trisquel 5.5 as it was present on the mirrors in the past, including source image and the i18n versions of the images.!ItdDGADK!cvoH7sivHlfWIMFb74dMDA
Thanks a lot. It works. Much obliged. You're a tomb raider and unearther of hidden goodies in the sand, the new brave Belzoni of the digital world.

Did you bring that live ISO up in a VM? Any more wallpapers?
Nice works. Have you compared various "hypervisors" (graphical front end) including gnome-boxes and virt-manager? (There is some freedom issue with VirtualBox, even if I don't install its non-free extensions.)
Gnome Boxes lacks one feature that I'd like to have: import existing VMs.
Thank you very much! now i can finally make a good iso set for my collection. I really appreciate your collaboration.
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