GNOME on Trisquel 10

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Iscritto: 06/19/2015

I would like to use MATE for one user and GNOME for my user. If this is not possible, I would like to remove MATE and just use vanilla GNOME.

I tried installing just gnome-shell like the Trisquel wiki suggested, but this did not work. Also, it seems screen locking requires GDM, so installing GNOME for one user means ruining the login screen for everyone else. (GDM on Trisquel 10 has Ubuntu colors.)

I installed gnonme-session on Trisquel 10, as the GNOME website suggested, to get a pristine GNOME on Ubuntu LTS systems. This worked.

How can I get GNOME to defaults? GNOME Tweaks doesn't have a reset button. GNOME inherits all the settings of MATE, so everything doesn't look like stock GNOME. Everything is small, and there's unnecessary maximize and minimize buttons on the headerbars.

Screenshot attached.

Also, when does 11 come out? I hear it has GNOME 42.

Caleb Herbert

Screenshot from 2023-02-06 10-48-26.png622.61 KB
Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

I tried installing just gnome-shell like the Trisquel wiki suggested, but this did not work.

You mean the login screen was not proposing GNOME, right?

Also, it seems screen locking requires GDM, so installing GNOME for one user means ruining the login screen for everyone else.

I run LightDM and, like you, Trisquel 10. Screen locking works here.

I installed gnonme-session on Trisquel 10, as the GNOME website suggested, to get a pristine GNOME on Ubuntu LTS systems. This worked.

Thank you for that piece of information. I recently updated but, in doubt, I kept what I had written when Trisquel 8 was released. I guess that, at the time, gnome-session was depending on gnome-shell. I now see the reverse is true on Trisquel 10. That is why I have just replaced the instruction on installing gnome-shell for installing gnome-session.

If you can spot other problems in the wiki page (in particular, did you have to separately install Nautilus, as written since Trisquel 8's release?), please tell me or edit the page yourself.

How can I get GNOME to defaults? GNOME Tweaks doesn't have a reset button. GNOME inherits all the settings of MATE, so everything doesn't look like stock GNOME. Everything is small, and there's unnecessary maximize and minimize buttons on the headerbars.

Those two particular settings can be easily changed in GNOME Tweaks: use the "Scaling Factor" on the screenshot you attached and disable the Maximize and Minimize buttons in the "Window Titlebars" tab.

If you really want to reset all the settings that are common to MATE and GNOME, try renaming ~/.config/dconf (that is the folder named "dconf" in the hidden folder ".config" that is in your home folder), logging out and logging in again.

Now, to get "stock GNOME" (the set of applications as chosen by the GNOME project, with minimal Trisquel branding, etc.), you would install gnome-vanilla-desktop on top of a NetInstall. I have not even mentioned that metapackage on the wiki page, considering that there are already too many of them and that not many users would refuse the Trisquel branding. Maybe I was wrong.

Also, when does 11 come out?

When it is ready. As far as I understand, we will soon have a "release candidate".


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Iscritto: 06/19/2015

I think I'm going to give up on GNOME and just start using Emacs in a
TTY, going to MATE sparingly. (I just can't stand MATE after using GNOME
for so long.)

On 2/6/23 15:15, name at domain wrote:
> You mean the login screen was not proposing GNOME, right?

Right. I had to install gnome-session for that.

> I run LightDM and, like you, Trisquel 10.  Screen locking works here.

Hm. Not here.

> If you can spot other problems in the wiki page (in particular, did you
> have to separately install Nautilus, as written since Trisquel 8's
> release?), please tell me or edit the page yourself.

I had to install GNOME Terminal and Nautilus myself.

> If you really want to reset all the settings that are common to MATE and
> GNOME, try renaming ~/.config/dconf (that is the folder named "dconf" in
> the hidden folder ".config" that is in your home folder), logging out
> and logging in again.

Rename it to what? Or just delete it?


Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Rename it to what? Or just delete it?

To anything. Or you can delete it. I was suggesting renaming in case you want to get the settings back.

Iscritto: 05/20/2022

> I just can't stand MATE after using GNOME for so long.

I sympathize with you. I felt exactly the same when I switched to Trisquel 7 after years of Ubuntu GNOME. But I soon realized that I had in fact been bewitched, and all went fine once the spell was dispelled: everything I needed had just become immediately accessible, no more endless hitting the top-left corner of the screen or frantically pressing the super key. No more useless animations. Much more focus.

Is it true that there is a gnome-shell-extension-impatience package to speed up the gnome-shell animation speed?


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Iscritto: 06/19/2015

> Is it true that there is a gnome-shell-extension-impatience package to
> speed up the gnome-shell animation speed?



Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

I soon realized that I had in fact been bewitched, and all went fine once the spell was dispelled: everything I needed had just become immediately accessible, no more endless hitting the top-left corner of the screen or frantically pressing the super key.

What are you thinking about that neither requires moving the mouse nor hitting a single key?

Is it true that there is a gnome-shell-extension-impatience package to speed up the gnome-shell animation speed?

It is. Nevertheless, as far as I understand, you want no animation whatsoever. If so, you need no extension to have that. You can get it in a single click in GNOME Tweaks or executing in a terminal:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations false

Iscritto: 05/20/2022

> What are you thinking about

All the environments that retained the 2D desktop metaphor: MATE, Xfce, LXDE, LXQt, KDE Plasma, etc. and do not require the extra gymnastic mentioned above. I am not surprised to read that people have been trying to find their way around these animations. I would suggest they simply use MATE instead, if they can overcome the bewitchment. But at this point, it is probably a matter of personal preferences. To each according to their utmost desires, and peace to all.

Iscritto: 02/12/2015

Are the gnome developers part of that group that viciously slandered RMS to try to cancel him?

The mentality of the project also should be taken into consideration.

Iscritto: 12/20/2021

The GNOME Foundation don't have value, is just a mask to hide the leaders of that association who are who really are against free software movement. In fact every association who vote against the leader of the Free Software Movement (RMS) are here and they are a mask to hide the leaders of this associations, because never a colective can speak for others more than the leaders of the association. Because even when 3 are more than 2 the individuals can't be forced to accept the same ideology of the majority to have everyone the same ideas unless it used the violence.

For example:

Freedom of the Press Foundation = Edward Snowden (number 21 of associations against FS movement leader.)

So, as projects or associations don't have mentality dont have any relation to use software from a association or project. A real problem would be when a individual against FS leader or FS movement in general try to come to promote his ideas against freedom. A example of that happen and are here: Matthew Garrett (Former member of the FSF board of directors) who vote against the leader of the FS movement. There is the problem, with the people who have mentallity.

programs dont have, and if the software is free there are not problem to use it in freedom.

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

All the environments that retained the 2D desktop metaphor: MATE, Xfce, LXDE, LXQt, KDE Plasma, etc.

You can have it with GNOME too. It is called GNOME Classic. Install the package named gnome-shell-extensions and select the GNOME Classic session on the graphical login screen.

I am not surprised to read that people have been trying to find their way around these animations.

It is literally the first setting GNOME Tweaks presents so that you can disable it, if you want to.

Iscritto: 12/20/2021

GNOME 42.5 in Trisquel 11 Beta.

Iscritto: 05/20/2022

Yes, it looks the same as ten years ago.

While you are at it, could you please show us the System Monitor > Resources tab, or run free -h in a terminal?


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Iscritto: 08/18/2020

This is what I saw indeed.

The immediate remarks it raised for me:
- besides the background, no visual element of Trisquel
- no app menu, no workspace selector
- no obvious way to add elements or modify the top panel
- no way to find all configuration tools ("configuration" does not show many things)
- windows title bars are unnecessarily high given the font size
- in the configuration window, there is a lot of empty space around text, so the window is rather large to actually not display so much information while the font is rather small

The only way I found to configure the panel is by browsing through GNOME extensions in abrowser but:
- the list is as infinite as for firefox extensions
- there seems to be a lot of duplicates or non-functional ones
- none of the extensions I tried had a translation, it appeared in English, although the rest is in French

EDIT: I now saw the previous answer about alacarte/mozo, I will try that with GNOME, but why isn't that made visible by default?

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

- no way to find all configuration tools ("configuration" does not show many things)

Have you installed gnome-tweaks (in Trisquel's repository)? Too many settings overwhelm some users, like you are on ttps:// (the next stop if GNOME Tweaks does not propose what you want).

The only way I found to configure the panel is by browsing through GNOME extensions in abrowser

As I wrote in right after talking about browsing with Abrowser:
Forty popular extensions are in Trisquel's repository too. "gnome-shell-extension" prefixes the names of the packages. For instance, "gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons", for showing the contents of ~/Desktop on the desktop, can be installed through APT.

By default, lists the extensions (1912 in total, right now) by decreasing popularity. You probably want to try the first search results first (after checking their descriptions and maybe the comments on them).

I now saw the previous answer about alacarte/mozo, I will try that with GNOME, but why isn't that made visible by default?

Alacarte is a dependence of the gnome and the trisquel-gnome metapackages.

Iscritto: 05/20/2022

So you now acknowledge all the points that make me prefer to stick with MATE. In fact, I see only good reasons to stick with MATE, and am glad that it has been the default DE since Trisquel 8 Flidas. Or LXDE for Trisquel Mini users. Or KDE Plasma on Triskel, for the sake of completeness.

"We continue to use MATE (version 1.24 this time) as the default desktop environment due to its great accessibility support, simple user interface and no dependency on 3D acceleration."

"Mini edition is a lightweight desktop perfect for netbooks, old computers and users with minimal resource usage needs."

"Our KDE (v5.68) based edition was given lots of attention for this release and it is now as polished as the MATE counterpart. This edition is excellent for customizing the design and functionality in fine detail."

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

So you now acknowledge all the points that make me prefer to stick with MATE.

Good for you. I do not know what I have acknowledged though, but whatever.


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Iscritto: 08/18/2020

Have you installed gnome-tweaks (in Trisquel's repository)? Too many settings overwhelm some users

I have but GUI items to start it are difficult to find.
- the list of apps that shows up when one clicks on the 9-dots icon in "activities" is flat, spans over 4 pages and is not even sorted in alphabetical order
- after I managed to get an app menu, it is in there but not together with the control centre

Alacarte is a dependence of the gnome and the trisquel-gnome metapackages.

So it is on my system but it is the same problem: I can't find any GUI item to start it.

I may be missing something but the only GUI ways to start an app seem to be:
- parsing the long multi-screen flat list that shows up when clicking on 9-dots in "activities"
- using the search / typing the name

With such methods, it is not possible to see apps by categories, so unless you already know and remember the names of apps (like alacarte), you won't find them.

Iscritto: 12/20/2021

In my latest installation of Trisquel 11 with GNOME from the net install guided installation I see Retoques or GNOME Tweaks as a by default package installed.

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

You usually need not know the name. For Alacarte (the example you gave), you can indeed start typing "alacarte" but you can also type "menu". For Abrowser, you can start typing "abrowser" or "browser" or "web" or even "internet". The first two or three characters are usually enough.