Goodbye, dingy hole
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I've pulled myself out of the pit seven feet deep. It took hours, climbing out of the Hole and into the open.
By then I had to crawl through the dirt.
Here I am now, in a Lounge. Nice scenery, nice liquor, pretty good BGM.
Looks like other people are here too.
"Lounge" but ..what the heck is this.. a western movie? omg i'm leaving this place.
Don't go!! They can call it a lounge, they can call it the Russian Tea Room, who cares!? This place needs the ultimate check against political correctness: Alij! Besides, who will the 'bouncers' toss outside if you aren't here in the 'lounge' ;)
@root_vegetable Huh? I don't know if it is a joke or insult! Translate please!
3M™ PELTOR™ Ground Mechanic Headsets
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31 Decibel

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