
5 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Jacob K
Iscritto: 01/13/2022

I followed the instructions at to install Guix on Trisquel 11 Mini, but `guix pull` always seems to have a lot to do, i.e. I never get the "nothing to be done" message. When I try to `guix install` something, I get the warning `guix install: warning: Consider running 'guix pull' followed by 'guix package -u' to get up-to-date packages and security updates.` and the package that will be installed is an old one. When I try to run `guix describe` I get an error that says:

hint: Perhaps this `guix' command was not obtained with `guix pull'? Its version string is 1.3.0.

I have a guess for what the problem is: `guix` is running the version provided by apt and not the one provided by guix. I have a hint when running `guix pull` that says:

hint: After setting `PATH', run `hash guix' to make sure your shell refers to `/home/user/.config/guix/current/bin/guix'.

I see that `guix` points to /usr/bin/guix and not /home/user/.config/guix/current/bin/guix , so that makes me think the instructions at are incomplete. Should there also be a command to add that path to the HOME variable in .profile ? Is there anything else that should be added as well?

Has anyone installed guix from apt and gotten it working well? Did you follow the wiki or what did you do differently?

Jacob K
Iscritto: 01/13/2022

Oops, I didn't finish typing the topic title, which was supposed to be "guix wiki instructions seem incomplete". I don't see an option to edit it.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 08/18/2020

I installed guix on trisquel following the wiki just yesterday. Yes, at some point, the wrong guix was run. The thing that fixes that is another advice that I think appeared at the end of a guix pull command, which is to set GUIX_PROFILE and source some file that is in the profile.

I'll do another fresh guix on Trisquel install, write down at which point and update the wiki.

However, the two first guix pull will still be super slow because there are now about 95 000 commits after guix in the trisquel package was made. There might be a way to update that package, I will ask someone I know who might help.

By the way, I also found out a new issue with Guix on Trisquel yesterday: if I install gajim from Guix, I fail to open a MATE session, presumably because this sets the GIO_EXTRA_MODULES variable to search for things in the guix profile, but that is used by a Trisquel executable, which makes it fail. I sent a message on the help-guix list about 1 hour ago to try getting some advice.

Jacob K
Iscritto: 01/13/2022

Yes, I forgot about this hint, also from `guix pull`:

hint: Consider setting the necessary environment variables by running:
. "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"

It seems like this might need to be run every session, so maybe it should be included in the .profile file (or maybe .bashrc).


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 08/18/2020

I'll try again tomorrow without doing this, to see at which step exactly it does not work without that, I'll write down everything I do and then I'll update the wiki.

> It seems like this might need to be run every session, so maybe it should be included in the .profile file (or maybe .bashrc).

This is done by /etc/profile.d/ An alternative to running the hint could be to log out and log in again. I'll try that first.


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 08/18/2020

I tested that opening a login shell (bash -l) is sufficient to set environment variables as needed (GUIX_PROFILE, GUIX_LOCPATH and PATH) so I modified the instructions that way and also added to ignore the messages to set variables as this is taken care of by using a login sheel.

Let me know if something is not working or unclear.