Help for beginners: Fehler bei Einrichtung rückgängigmachbar?

3 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 04/22/2024

Liebe Community

schon lange hatte ich es vor, jetzt konnte ich endlich ein Trisquel (Mate) als Distro bei mir installieren.
Ich mag es sehr: von der schönen Mate-Optik und dem guten Gefihl her, dass hier ein guter Geist im Hintergrund für eine sorgfältige Softwareauswahl und gestaltung sorgt:) Das ost toll...

Jetzt habe ich nur leider einen Fehler bei der Einrichtung gemacht und hoffe, dass Ihr da helfen könnt. Ich möchte den Aufbau der graphischen Oberffläche macähnlich gestalten, weil mir das vom Angang her vertrauter ist.

Deshalb habe ich die untere Leiste nach oben gezogen und dann einzelne Elemente daraus entfernt. Die Idee war diese Eöemente unten in einem Dock zu integrieren, auf den ich dann öfters zugreife.

Jedoch sind diese Elemente nicht nur aus der Leiste verschwunden, sondern auch sonst nirgendwo mehr zu sehen. Dummerweise handelte es sich auch noch um die Spirale, von der aus man ins Menü kommt sowie um den Abrowser ...
Im Grunde habe ich jetzt auf nichts mehr Zugriff außer auf Dateienordner. Meine Fragen:

Wie kann ich wohl die Ausgangssituation wieder hersteöllen?
Kann man diese Elemente gar nicht aus der Leiste entfernen ohne sie zu verlieren?

Vielen Dank im Voraus und viele freundliche Grüße

Iscritto: 04/22/2024

Dear Community

I've been meaning to do it for a long time, and now I've finally been able to install a Trisquel (Mate) distro.
I like it very much: the beautiful Mate look and the good feeling that a good spirit in the background takes care of a careful software selection and design :) That's great...

Now, unfortunately, I have made a mistake with the setup and hope that you can help. I would like to design the structure of the graphical user interface in a mac-like way, because that is more familiar to me.

That's why I dragged the bottom bar to the top and then removed individual elements from it. The idea was to integrate these elements into a dock at the bottom, which I then access frequently.

However, these elements have not only disappeared from the bar, but are also no longer visible anywhere else. Unfortunately, it was also the spiral from which you access the menu and the browser ...
Basically, I no longer have access to anything except file folders. My questions:

How can I get back to the original situation?
Is it not possible to remove these elements from the bar without losing them?

Many thanks in advance and best regards

Translated with (free version)

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

You are writing in German and in English on the French-speaking forum! :-)

Anyway, right-clicking on an existing panel (a "bar") should give you a contextual menu where you can add whatever you are missing: the Trisquel menu, a launcher for Abrowser, etc. I believe there is even an entry to roll back to the default layout. I write "I believe" because I do not actually use MATE. I use GNOME Shell that you may enjoy, because its interface is said similar to macOS (which I have never used: I cannot confirm/infirm):

Iscritto: 04/22/2024

Hello Magic Banana

thank you very much for your prompt, friendly and helpful answers!

And you are right: By right-clicking on the bar, I can add these lost elements again... je suis soulagée:)!

The indication that it is possible to use gnome as shell is also very helpful... I didnt know that and its great that this possibility exists and I think it would be much easier and more intuitive for me ...

Sorry for having fallen into the false channel, i wanted to use the germanspeaking channel, but then I saw that i used the french one and as my english is better than my french translated the text..But Its also a great experience to have then an answer from a french professor in brazil!

I always wanted to once go there for some time...

Je me remercie beaucoup et je vous souhaite une bonne journee a brazil!