Home network - case
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I wish to alter my home network to include the following features.
My post here is a hopeful request for help to qualify the description of the setup so I can better ask for help of how to actually create it. I am uncertain if my description is clear enough, if it actually matches the idea that is in my head and even if it makes sense at all. It is also likely that I miss good or crucial points, in which case I would appreciate comments about it. I apologise in advance for the likely unclear description below and hope you will give me advice and questions that will make it (more) clear:
Home network - description.
A home network with four different networks and two servers and a printer attached:
Connected to the internet:
N1) An ordinary network
N2) A network for free devices
N3) A guest network
S1) A server running e.g. a blog/wiki, a tor instance, a searx instance,
In-house only:
N4) A local network with access to a server, S2, access to our pictures, video clips, music and films (perhaps a media server?) and S2.
S2) A server running a minetest instance (for the eight year old) and perhaps other stuff.
Furthermore, I wish to attach a printer which is accessible from N1, N2 and preferably N4.
If possible, for non-members of our family, the printer should be accessible only when visiting our house.
For family members, it should preferably be accessible from anywhere.
I fiddled around with Dia and uploaded a picture. Oops, not suprisingly .dia files not allowed. OK screenshot of Dia. Dia is in the repository
I broke the Class C network into four subnets.
Scenarios might clarify some:
N1) for Windows and other propritary devices? Maybe put printer here.
N2) Separate network to isolate FS devices from Windows devices?
N3) Guest network so that guest can use the malware and spyware phones and tablets isolated from everything else?
N4) I put tor, searx and web server on their own network since they might be receiving a lot of inbound traffic.
Where to put game/media server?
Honestly, its a big project. Step by step , research, trial and error.
Would you create a linux firewall/router?
I was thinking I would hook tor, etc. by wire. If they all are on a single server then a simple wire to a port on the router would be fine. Also using static IPs so no DHCP necessary. If they are separate boxes a simple hub or switch would accommodate.
All the rest can probably use WiFi.
Sounds like fun. Good luck.
I went to school for this stuff but never used it a whole lot.
![Subnet_4.png Subnet_4.png](https://trisquel.info/files/imagecache/thumbnail/Subnet_4.png)
Hi Geshmy,
Thanks for the chart. I am sorry to respond so late but I am trying to understand the network and router issues better. Your chart helped me understand that things are more complex than I imagined in at first, but also helped me get an overview of my own case.
By the way, which program did you use to draw the chart?
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