how about using the software for trisquel forum?

7 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 09/08/2014
This is directed at trisquel forum officials, why don't you
move the trisquel forum to the software. The
software is free software. Unfortunately it requires javascript in
order to login on a forum run by discourse software. But
I expect the javascript software to be free software. Is
there a problem moving data from this forum to a discourse instance?
Probably a lot of people are familiar with the discourse
interface? Pricing plans start at 20usd a month. I do not
know the daily number of trisquel forum calls. If trisquel has
arguments against having its forum run by a 3. party
service then trisquel can run a discourse trisquel
forum instance on their own servers.

Iscritto: 02/12/2015

I like the fact that I can access all the features of the forum from any browser, including from terminal-based browsers like links2 which have no javascript engine.

My vote would be against using discourse.

Iscritto: 11/05/2024

Discourse discriminates against web browsers also... in addition to what andy said.

If it isn't a "modern" web browser, then you SOL.

I detest discourse and any websites that do useragent sniffing.

I don't give a damn what web browser people use, it shouldn't be the choice of corporations to say what can or cannot be used on websites.

That is a huge amount of bs that they try that.

Those are my feelings tho


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 08/18/2020

> I expect the javascript software to be free software

It is, but when accessing the forum, you still don't have the option to run an alternative version of it in your web browser.

My experience with discourse:
- the web interface is nice with abrowser, searching on the forum is rather convenient
- the web interface is read only with lynx, you cannot see latest posts in any category, only viewing by category works. It is not possible to search at all.
- I could not login in with links2
- it is possible to post messages by email and subscribe to get an email for each post
- the received emails can include a history, it is generally ok but sometimes a message is indicated to reply to an unrelated message. In that case, you need to see the archive and for that, you need a javascript-enabled web browser

Based on this, if we would use discourse, this would make it difficult for people not using a web browser that supports javascript.

Iscritto: 12/20/2021

We dont need javascript at all to participate in the web forum, but with discourse that would be a requirement.

Iscritto: 09/08/2014

I understand your resentment against javascript. I have not
be able to find non javascript forum platform software. It
appears also flarum requires javascript in order to work. What forum
platform software runs trisquel forum?


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/15/2009


Iscritto: 09/08/2014

On trisquel forum you cannot do any editing regarding your starting post. And if you write comments then after some time, you cannot edit your comments either. Is that a setting or property about the drupal software?