How to disable disk cache in Midori and Epiphany browsers?
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Hello. :-)
I use several browsers, because no one is perfect.
I use SSD storage, so I want to disable browsers to save their cache to disk.
I can do it simply in QupZilla (standard menu of Preferences), ABrowser (about:config), but I cannot find similar setting in Midori and in Epiphany (Gnome Web).
In Midori, there is option “Web Cache” in Preferences, where I can write size in MB, but it is not clear, if it is RAM or HDD.
Moreover, in UbuntuHandbook / Archives / midori lightweight browser is written “Set minimum value of 0 on spin button for maximum cache size”, so it seems to me, that 0 MB does not disable it.
For Epiphany, I have found GitHub: Igalia / epiphany-gnomeos / epiphany-gnomeos / data / org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml, where is written:
<key type="i" name="cache-size"> <default>50</default> <summary>Size of disk cache</summary> <description>Size of disk cache, in MB.</description> </key>
I tried to edit my /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml by it (with 0), but it does not seems to me to work (by looking in ~/.cache/epiphany/WebKitCache)
So, please, how can I disable disk cache in Midori and Epiphany browsers?
Be aware to use midori as primary web browser, it has big security holes and was descontinued because this. Ephiphany is better.
Otherwise, sorry but I can't help you with your question.
Best regards.
El 15 de octubre de 2018 7:54:38 AM CDT, name at domain escribió:
>Hello. :-)
>I use several browsers, because no one is perfect.
>I use SSD storage, so I want to disable browsers to save their cache to
>I can do it simply in QupZilla (standard menu of Preferences), ABrowser
>(about:config), but I cannot find similar setting in Midori and in
>(Gnome Web).
>In Midori, there is option “Web Cache” in Preferences, where I can
>size in MB, but it is not clear, if it is RAM or HDD.
>Moreover, in UbuntuHandbook / Archives / midori lightweight browser is
>written “Set minimum value of 0 on spin button for maximum cache size”,
>so it seems to me, that 0 MB does not disable it.
>For Epiphany, I have found GitHub: Igalia / epiphany-gnomeos /
>epiphany-gnomeos / data / org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml, where is
> 50
> Size of disk cache
> Size of disk cache, in MB.
>I tried to edit my
>by it (with 0), but it does not seems to me to work (by looking in
>So, please, how can I disable disk cache in Midori and Epiphany
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Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor, disculpa mi brevedad.
Thank you for your reply and information.
It is quite strange for me, because Midori is default browser in Trisquel Mini, if I remember it correctly...
Not sure that helps, but try to put value -1.
Anyway I quit midori for Abrowser.
Midori is good for it's light weight, but it has a lot of bugs which makes it for my tasks unusable.
If you care about privacy issues you can temp use Falkon (PureOS), QupZilla (Devuan or Trisquel) or Iceweasel (Parabola or Hyperbola). :)
WebKitGtk+ totally sucks which always forces to record your histories and passwords.
I remember I've announced Qt5-IceEngine project to liberate semi-nonfree Qt5-WebEngine (since Chromium is also semi-nonfree) by replacing with LightSpark against every nonfree Flash plugins.
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