How to disable disk cache in Midori and Epiphany browsers?

4 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 10/12/2018

Hello. :-)

I use several browsers, because no one is perfect.
I use SSD storage, so I want to disable browsers to save their cache to disk.
I can do it simply in QupZilla (standard menu of Preferences), ABrowser (about:config), but I cannot find similar setting in Midori and in Epiphany (Gnome Web).

In Midori, there is option “Web Cache” in Preferences, where I can write size in MB, but it is not clear, if it is RAM or HDD.
Moreover, in UbuntuHandbook / Archives / midori lightweight browser is written “Set minimum value of 0 on spin button for maximum cache size”, so it seems to me, that 0 MB does not disable it.

For Epiphany, I have found GitHub: Igalia / epiphany-gnomeos / epiphany-gnomeos / data / org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml, where is written:

    <key type="i" name="cache-size">
      <summary>Size of disk cache</summary>
      <description>Size of disk cache, in MB.</description>

I tried to edit my /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml by it (with 0), but it does not seems to me to work (by looking in ~/.cache/epiphany/WebKitCache)

So, please, how can I disable disk cache in Midori and Epiphany browsers?

Iscritto: 09/22/2018

Be aware to use midori as primary web browser, it has big security holes and was descontinued because this. Ephiphany is better.

Otherwise, sorry but I can't help you with your question.

Best regards.

El 15 de octubre de 2018 7:54:38 AM CDT, name at domain escribió:
>Hello. :-)
>I use several browsers, because no one is perfect.
>I use SSD storage, so I want to disable browsers to save their cache to
>I can do it simply in QupZilla (standard menu of Preferences), ABrowser
>(about:config), but I cannot find similar setting in Midori and in
>(Gnome Web).
>In Midori, there is option “Web Cache” in Preferences, where I can
>size in MB, but it is not clear, if it is RAM or HDD.
>Moreover, in UbuntuHandbook / Archives / midori lightweight browser is
>written “Set minimum value of 0 on spin button for maximum cache size”,
>so it seems to me, that 0 MB does not disable it.
>For Epiphany, I have found GitHub: Igalia / epiphany-gnomeos /
>epiphany-gnomeos / data / org.gnome.epiphany.gschema.xml, where is
> 50
> Size of disk cache
> Size of disk cache, in MB.
>I tried to edit my
>by it (with 0), but it does not seems to me to work (by looking in
>So, please, how can I disable disk cache in Midori and Epiphany

Fingerprint: 49AA 091A CBF9 632E BD99 9BF2 32D9 E18C 3D99 B685

Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor, disculpa mi brevedad.

Iscritto: 10/12/2018

Thank you for your reply and information.
It is quite strange for me, because Midori is default browser in Trisquel Mini, if I remember it correctly...

Iscritto: 05/31/2017

Not sure that helps, but try to put value -1.

Anyway I quit midori for Abrowser.
Midori is good for it's light weight, but it has a lot of bugs which makes it for my tasks unusable.

Iscritto: 09/13/2017

If you care about privacy issues you can temp use Falkon (PureOS), QupZilla (Devuan or Trisquel) or Iceweasel (Parabola or Hyperbola). :)
WebKitGtk+ totally sucks which always forces to record your histories and passwords.
I remember I've announced Qt5-IceEngine project to liberate semi-nonfree Qt5-WebEngine (since Chromium is also semi-nonfree) by replacing with LightSpark against every nonfree Flash plugins.