How do I gather information about unstable cable internet connection?

4 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

Hi, I am on Trisquel 8. I contracted an optical communication with NTT Flet's and the provider is OCN around two months ago. It is unstable, often cut. I want to know why it is that unstable. I just checked journalctl because it is unstable now too. There are several red letters and one of them is written "name server cannot be used: Temporary failure in name resolution (-3)". But it seems the problem is on LAN. Would you teach me how to gather information as much as possible? I would not mind at all to put a lot of time and effort to know what the problem is. Using Tor or Tor traffic usually this problem makes worse but now I do not use any proxies or idk such kind of stuff. Firstly I have to report which name server cannot be used. Until that, all problems will be on LAN and would you teach me what does the (-3) mean? Thank you.


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Iscritto: 07/15/2009

I have a RPi 3 that I use along with smokeping to gatter your stability connection and plot it very nice over days/weeks to check ISP service quality.

I used this tutorial at the time, but should work fine with trisquel based distro.

Hope is what you are looking for, regards.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

I merely read the some of sentences of the link page, but,

> I decided to create a long-term stats of the internet stability to have something as a solid proof when complaining to my ISP. And it's also interesting to know how reliable is my ISP compared to the others.

It absolutely seems to be a thing what I wanted. It would take a bit long since I am just a bit experienced beginner and not used to use SBCs but I will give it a try someday and report it here, then complain to the ISP with explicit evidences. It would make me a bit calm. Thank you very much.

Iscritto: 11/29/2017

This doesn't help monitoring, but you could try using a different DNS instead of the one from your ISP.

For example:
The openNIC servers
openDNS from Cisco
or the public DNS from google, if you trust them.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

Thank you. But I currently seem not to have such energy and time to learn such far, I have been spending more than 10 years to learn something sacrificing my youth but it still seems to lack something always I do not know well so I am literally exhausted myself by these several years and the ****s so maybe hope in the near future, I would study about DNS too to learn which DNS I can trust but it would take another decade, I guess.