How to download from Amazon Music with Free Software

9 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 02/02/2021

Hi, how have you been?

I always want to download music files from Amazon Music. That would mean I have to allow JS to run on my browser and download it. Is there any way to download music files from Amazon Music without proprietary software? I was forced to create the account of Amazon Music by my boss so I have the account. Thanks anyway.

Iscritto: 03/19/2020

Never heard of Amazon Music, but a quick search gave me this:

No idea if and how well it works. Good luck!

Iscritto: 02/02/2021

Thank you! Just logging in to Amazon on Abrowser was quite a challenge, but to sum things up, I was denied the ability to use the Amazon web player at the end because the browser I was using (Abrowser)was not up to date. Seems it is up to date though.

The link page described in the Clamz instructions to Amazon (for downloading the cookies, maybe?) no longer seems to exist. But Clamz is in Trisquel repository.

Just a thought, it seems that there are several types of Amazon Music services, and I wanted to download music files from something called "Amazon Music Unlimited" service (which is currently in its one month free trial period), but I guess Clamz can only be used for music files bought from "Amazon Music". So someone might be able to download them without freedom issues. But I have not bought MP3 music files from Amazon. But I have bought more than 10 AAC music files from iTunes. I would like to download the AAC files on my laptop. I have paid two times for several albums, as CDs, and as digital files. I do not like to pay three times for the same albums. Oh yes I would like to support poor Cuban artists but I also am poor.
I lost a lot of those CDs with my car. I might write about it someday.

Has anyone successfully downloaded music files bought from iTunes without any freedom issues? Please share with me how to do that if you have succeeded in it.

Maybe I can download them with some freedom issues. Maybe I can barely accept to enable JS or other things but if the AAC files have some watermarks or other potencial trackers, which I learned about it recently, I would not accept it. I wonder Clamz solves the problem automatically.

Iscritto: 03/19/2020

> I was denied the ability to use the Amazon web player at the end because the browser I was using (Abrowser)was not up to date.

Perhaps you could work around that by changing Abrowser's user-agent string?

> Oh yes I would like to support poor Cuban artists but I also am poor.

I wonder how much they actually earn from 1 copy sold and how much goes to the middle man...

As to iTunes - no idea

Iscritto: 02/02/2021

I don't understand what that Abrowser user-agent string means. But okay, I am starting to think that the effort of trying to download it from Amazon seems like a waste. I have always thought it was important not to give in to their interference, but it would also be important not to get involved.

And I do not know either about their income from that, but it seems that royalties for authors and manga-artists are usually a few percent. I've heard even Ryu Murakami say 8%, sometimes 12%. I have said this too before, so I'm afraid I'm repeating myself, though.
The Internet has the nature of getting rid of such parasitic middlemen. But it seems that it is not going to be easy.

Well, so I guess that I will just have to give up on iTunes purchases, too. It is a waste of time to spend on such things.

Iscritto: 03/19/2020

When you open a web page in your browser, the browser (usually) fetches it from server using HTTP(S) protocol. At the beginning of an HTTP connection the client sends headers to server. Headers are lines of text with information. Some example headers that my browser (Parabola's Iceweasel) used to fetch some font on this very page are:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:86.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/86.0
Accept: application/font-woff2;q=1.0,application/font-woff;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: identity
DNT: 1
Connection: keep-alive

One of the mandatory header fields is the "User-Agent" one. It is supposed to identify the HTTP client (web browser in this case). Of course, using authentic User-Agent would allow easy fingerprinting, so all privacy-focused browsers and also some less privacy-focused ones replace it with something common, such as some Windows browser's User-Agent.

Some websites display an "outdated browser" message based on User-Agent string. Changing it to one of another browser gives a slight chance of fixing the problem...

In Firefox-derived browsers you can change the User-Agent string by opening "about:config" (paste this string into the URL bar), clicking through the warning that appears and changing value of the "general.useragent.override" variable. There are also some browser extensions that allow this to be done more conveniently. IceCat even has one (User-Agent Switcher) available:
I suppose other anti-fingerprinting extensions people use also have such functionality :)

Iscritto: 02/02/2021

I see. Thank you but yes I use Chameleon. I feel that maybe the service is provided for only Windows or Apple OS or Android. Can I disguise LinuxOS as those OS?

Iscritto: 03/19/2020
Iscritto: 02/02/2021

This looks like a search engine to me.
However, it may be useful for those who cannot use DuckDuckGo.onion or Startpage for image collection.
SearX does collect images, but it's not very good. I get lots same images.
About the link, I don't understand what that means.

Iscritto: 03/19/2020

Yes, MetaGer is a search engine. It is by no means relevant to this topic - I just happened to be using it.

The page under that link lists user agent strings of various browsers. If you want to disguise your browser as one running under Microsoft's or Apple's operating system, you can choose one of the user agent strings listed there and configure your browser to use it :)