How to emulate replicant on Trisquel [SOLVED]

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Iscritto: 08/25/2010


I just wanted to share a "how to" emulate replicant on Trisquel in case, like me, someone wants to experience using replicant.

Just download ReplicantSDK from here:

Extract it's content and cd to ./replicant-sdk_linux-x86/tools

Run the following line:
./android create avd -n enhanced -t 1

You will be prompted to create a hardware profile. This is optional.

Finally run:
./emulator -avd enhanced

And there you go.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 08/25/2010

I just wanted to share a "how to" emulate replicant on Trisquel in case, like
me, someone wants to experience using replicant.

Just download ReplicantSDK from here:

Extract it's content and cd to ./replicant-sdk_linux-x86/tools

Run the following line:
./android create avd -n enhanced -t 1

You will be prompted to create a hardware profile. This is optional.

Finally run:
./emulator -avd enhanced

And there you go.