How free software friendly is Swizterland?

1 risposta [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 07/17/2013

I know this is a weird question, maybe a though one to answer (how does one evaluate a country's openness to free software?) but if anyone has any experience or feedback regarding this I would be grateful to have it.
I think some ways of measuring this openness would be:

1. People usually depend much on technology or not? And if so, are they the types of using mostly proprietary mainstream apps and choices (official android apps, windows, google services, etc)?
2. Using government websites for taking care of bureaucratic stuff requires a lot of non-free javascript and third-party services (again like google and cloudflare) ?
3. Schools and companies give freedom for people to install whatever they want on the devices they use or want to be the ones in control of every piece of equipment?

Anything else you might share, I would be grateful to know. Thanks!!

Iscritto: 03/15/2020

I don't live in Switzerland but I do know they have very strong privacy laws which means when you combine that with strong FOSS values from the individual it should be a good place to be. They are not part of the Fourteen Eyes data sharing agreement which is good. I don't know about the school systems though. Put it this way if I ever get to flee Canada Switzerland would be high if not top of my list.