How to run GNOME Shell, and use most recent version?
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How can I use GNOME Shell? I installed it from the repos, but it doesn't show up as and option whan I log in, and I want the most recent version of GNOME. I certainly have hardware capable of running GNOME Shel with no non-free software, since I have a Penguin Libre from ThinkPenguin.
You will need to install "gnome-shell" and "gnome-session".
To run a possibly more up-to-date GNOME Shell 3.2, add this PPA:
You might want to download the Ubuntu version of Gnome Tweak Tool because Trisquel's version removes the Shell hacks. Get it here:
At this point everything should still be working fine.
If you want to try Shell 3.4, add that gnome3 PPA and this one:
I have tested this before and some things were broken for me. Most notably the Trisquel theme gets broken and the out-of-box ABrowser flash playback stops working. I wrote about it elsewhere:
Thanks, this is working for me, and I installed the packages in our repos. Is there any reason we don't have the most recent stable builds? I also could find any stable 3.4 deb or ppa.
Trisquel package versions match the corresponding Ubuntu versions. Which
means we'll only get Shell 3.4 with the next version of Trisquel (=
Ubuntu Precise), unless Ubuntu backports it to Oneiric.
Thanks, this is working for me, and I installed the packages in our repos. Is
there any reason we don't have the most recent stable builds? I also could
find any stable 3.4 deb or ppa.
You need install gnome-session
Is there any way to install 3.4 in Trisquel?
Unfortunately Trisquel like Ubuntu won't have a full support for GNOME 3, because Ubuntu focus is Unity and some applications won't have in the repositories. In the Ubuntu 12.04 have GNOME 3.4 with Totem, GDM 3.0(GNOME 3.0), others applications of GNOME 3.2. Ubuntu don't following a GNOME 3 standard.
If you want to use full GNOME 3.4 you need install Parabola or Fedora with Linux-libre(Freed-ora).
But regardless, I use Trisquel. In my opinion is the better for end user.
Is there any way to install 3.4 in Trisquel?
There is no stable/official Shell 3.4 for Trisquel.
If you want to try Shell 3.4, do this after you've installed Shell:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
This will add unofficial and testing repositories. Keep in mind that
something might/will break.
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