How to set up the optical electric communication?

10 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

Hello, guys. I signed a contract with NTT (Flet's optical) recently. The provider is OCN (kind of a directly affiliated subsidiary of NTT).
On 5 Febyurary, The construction or installing the optical communication finished and I got the modem which was provided by the provider so what I need to do now is to make an internet connection with my X60s or the Thinkpenguin router (TPE-1200).
The router seems to be still broken, it makes a connection to the laptop but Abrowser and Liferea do not open the addresses http(s):// nor (Sometimes it does and I can log in to Luci, but now no). I have an old Buffalo router. But Trisquel 8 showed a notice and I could not make an internet connection with the router when I tried to connect the LAN cable which comes from the Buffalo router to the laptop.
I have an instruction from OCN. It seems that it is for Windows, and there is a called "easy setting up" file and they recommend to download the file from some place ( Somehow Abrowser and Midori refused to connect the website even if I added "s" between p and :.
I found a page of the website of Flet's that explains how to make an internet connection with a Linux machine.

It seems that it is written for mainly Cent OS. The page explains what I need to do first is to download a file that they call it free software from a link which is on the page.

But I got 404 error. I called NTT. She said I can make an internet connection for sure with a linux machine but she does not know how to do it and what she can do is to ask for pay support service but she says even if I payed for the service, there is a possibility that they could not solve the problem nor tell me how to make an internet connection with a Linux machine and today is Sunday so anyway technical support day off so I am going to call them again tomorrow, though.

I mean, is there an application that sets an internet connection like their RP-PPPoE (rollingpenguin-PPPoE)? I checked Trisquel repository but maybe there was no that software.

And it seems that it is better to set the internet connection on the Thinkpenguin router than the X60s directly, so I would appreciate it very much if I could log in to Luci, though. I'm afraid but it really irritates me. Is there cleverer way.

Anyway as the worst case, I have a X200 installed Windows 7 so I could download the easy setting up file easily with the Buffalo router. But it seems that the router has no password, I mean maybe anyone can access its wifi so I mind it a little bit. But even if I could make an internet connection with Windows, do I have to do the setting on Trisquel or the router later when I use the X60s?? I tried to make a connection on Trisquel while reading the instruction but I could not find a column where seems that I have to enter the password and ID or something. I randomly entered those information into some columns but it did not work. And there seems still no instruction of it on the documentation of Trisquel.

Anyway what I beg a favor of you is, is there software that does kind of the easy setting up? I do not mind paying a few dollars. And is not it kind of a problem that they use http instead of https? Is there some reason? Thanks for your support in advance.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

Typically, you only need to enter your user name and password in the WAN settings in the OpenWrt configuration interface (Luci). Then the router will dial for you.

If you suspect that something is wrong with your router, then what happen if you don't use any router? (i.e., connect the modem and your laptop with a LAN cable and use PPPoE dialing feature of your GNU/Linux system.)

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

> Typically, you only need to enter your user name and password in the WAN settings in the OpenWrt confuguration interface (Luci). Then the router will dial for you.

FIrstly, what happen when I connect the TPE-1200 to the Trisquel is usually one of these:

1) The network icon on the desktop of Trisquel rounds eternally. "Connection information" shows that the connection is established but I cannnot enter the login page of Luci.

2) The network icon freezes [attachment] right after I connected the LAN cable from the router to the laptop. This is what was happening in these several hours.

3) The network icon does not show anything special after I connected the cable. This is what is happening right now.

4) The network icon shows that the connection is established and I can enter the login page of Luci via Liferea. It happens rarely, since the last summer.

2 or 3 days ago, 4) happened. I was able to log in Luci and tried various things but I think there were not the columns which I could enter my user name and password. But maybe I am wrong. There might have been there. But at least I could not figure out where I should enter the information into.

> If you suspect that something is wrong with your router,

It obviously seems something wrong. I did not buy a secondhand.

> then what happen if you don't use any router? (i.e., connect the modem and your laptop with a LAN cable and use PPPoE dialing feature of your GNU/Linux system.)

Right after I connect the modem and the laptop with the LAN cable, the network icon freezes in the state of the attachment.
But yesterday or 2 days ago, it showed that the connection was established. I remember that I could check the network speed (100Mbps) in Connection Information and the IPv6 address(es?). Now it freezes so I cannot check those information. From the beginning, I do not know well whether it is IPv4 or IPv6, though. It seems to be IPv6. And maybe I should have mentioned that it is a static IP address.

If I open the "Edit Connection" tab in the network icon, the Network Connection screen appears. I click the "Add", then "Choose a Connection Type" screen appears. There are "DSL" and "Ethernet" and others. "Ethernet" sounds the right place to configure. But there does not seem to be the columns which I can enter the information. In "DSL", there are the columns in DSL tab. I have entered those information into the columns but it could not make the internet connection.

I also tried to connect a modular jack and the laptop directly with a cable (without the modem) but it did not work. Does that need absolutely the modem or a modem if I use optical fiber communication or ADSL?

And what does that "PPPoE dialing feature of your GNU/Linux system" mean? Is that the "Edit Connection" in the network icon?
Ubuntu seems to configure automatically the internet setting if you only plug the cable in at a computer. Do I have to set the network setting manually? I think I would be able to study those address or prefix or gateway or others but I would appreciate it if I could configure those manually after I could make the internet connection anyway. Thank you anyway.

IMG_7160.resized.JPG IMG_7159.resized.JPG
Iscritto: 05/01/2018

Connect your modem and PC using a LAN cable. Then create a new connection, and choose "DSL/PPPoE" for its type.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

Where is the PPPoE. Anyway I will check it later and report it.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

It's here. Right click "Network Connections" icon on the task bar and select "Edit Connections". Click the "plus" (+) button and select "DSL/PPPoE" from the drop-down list.

(Blobless) Debian unstable with MATE 1.22.2

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Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

Why do you refer Debian. Here is Trisquel Users. OK, I will check it and report it after I prepared mie goreng.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

You have the patience of Job.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

Yesterday morning, I succeeded in a direct LAN connection (modem > the LAN cable > X60s).
For an hour, it was stable. I was happy, then I took a nap for a few hours without touching the laptop. After I woke up, it did not connect at all.
I tried various things, but did not work. I am not sure if I should write every thing what I did. Anyway now, finally I cannot use even Wifi, too. Both Ethernet and Wifi networks are disconnected.
I was at my wit's end.
I took a log with j'ournalctl -u NetworkManager'.
The log is very long. I am not sure if I should paste it here. How should I do??
Anyway Trisquel has few times received some information from the TPE-1200 via both the cable and Wifi. But I cannot still log in to Luci.

Iscritto: 05/01/2018

Since direct PPPoE dialing once worked, a good OpenWrt router should work, too.

You may want to borrow another OpenWrt router and fill in your account user name and password in the WAN settings. Please note that when you use a router, don't use PPPoE on your computer. Don't forget to delete your account information before you return the router to the owner after testing.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
Iscritto: 06/06/2018

But even if I could borrow the OpenWrt router, what only thing that remains after I returned it is the useless Thinkpenguin router. It does not seem to solve the problem. And yes not using PPPoE in that case seems important.
Yesterday, I learned quite a lot of things from a OCN support center girl. She has very good voice. I learned subnet mask, IP addresses, gateway or something. We talked about the internet connection around one and half hour.