HPLIP Status Service box always pops up on startup

2 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Trisk Spellian
Iscritto: 03/20/2015

I'd like to get this box to stop popping up on every startup. Anybody know how to do that?

The little box reads:

HPLIP Status Service

No system tray detected on this system

Unable to start, exiting

OK <------ button


Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Anything related in your "Startup applications" (in the "System settings")?

Iscritto: 07/17/2013

I have the same issue. I believe having a printer installed and properly configured will solve the issue, if you don't need it just unninstall it. Anyway, I think yes, we need a way to remove that warning :)