I am a gamer can you plaease let me knw if these games are ok to install.

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Iscritto: 08/22/2012

Are these games Qualified as Free Software I wanna double check so i can install and play them.

Rigs Of Rods:http://www.rigsofrods.com
Speed Dreams:http://www.speed-dreams.org/

Iscritto: 08/22/2012

Well you can scratch of Warsow they are proprietary thats one down nice to know we have this topic so every one can get there game on freely.

Iscritto: 06/02/2012

Free games are comprised of free software and free art/content.
Free contents are available under CC-BY and alike, FAL, and even GNU GPL.

RoR, Speed Dreams, Xonotic are free games.


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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

Basically, everything that is in Trisquel's repository is free software.

Here you can see a list of all games available for Brigantia 5.5.

If you install from somewhere else, you'd have to check if there is a source package of the game, download it and read the COPYING or LICENSE file.

Adrian Malacoda

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Iscritto: 12/26/2010

Unless I'm missing something, it looks like OpenArena is free as well.

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Indeed. It even is in Trisquel's repositories. Three clicks in the Synaptic package manager and you are ready to play.

If you have liked the good old Worms (in 2D), Hedgewars (in Trisquel's repositories as well) is the best game ever (way better than Worms World Party). ;-)


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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

I like (and these are the package names):

* warzone2100
* wesnoth
* freedoom
* hedgewars

Iscritto: 08/24/2012


I'm a gamer and i will use (also in the future) this thread to ask you if some game (not present in the Trisquel repositories) is qualified Free Software.

I start with:

- Lips of Suna http://lipsofsuna.org/

- DccNitghtmare http://dnt.dnteam.org/cgi-bin/about.py

- OpenMW http://openmw.org/it/

- Tremulous http://tremulous.net

- VDrift http://vdrift.net/

- Zero Ballistics http://www.zeroballistics.com/

- Vega Strike http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/

- Liberal Crime Squad http://sourceforge.net/projects/lcsgame/

- Mega Mario http://mmario.sourceforge.net/

- Lost Labyrinth http://www.lostlabyrinth.com/

- Ardentryst http://jordan.trudgett.com/

- 0verkill http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~brain/0verkill/

- Unvanquished http://unvanquished.net/

- The Flight of the Maxima http://tfm.sofoxcentral.com/wiki/doku.php

- UFO:AI http://ufoai.org/wiki/index.php/News

- Summoning Wars http://sumwars.org/wiki/Main_Page

- MegaGlest http://megaglest.org/

- GameLV https://github.com/snauts/GameLV

- Arx Libertatis http://arx-libertatis.org/

- Stunt Rally http://code.google.com/p/vdrift-ogre/

- Fachoda-Complex http://rixed.github.com/fachoda-complex/index.html

- Goblin Camp http://www.goblincamp.com/

- OpenDungeons http://opendungeons.sourceforge.net/

- 0AD http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/

- Thunder & Lightning http://tnlgame.net/

- Sintel The Game http://sintelgame.org/downloads/

- WorldForge http://worldforge.org/

Iscritto: 09/17/2011

It looks like most of these games are free software. These are the ones I saw that weren't:
- Zero Ballistics appears not to be, it mentions only being 'free of charge'. That's not libre, that's gratis.

- Mega Mario - The content is probably not under a free license, since it looks to be ripped from Nintendo games.

- Lost Labyrinth - Seems to be a proprietary, commercial game. I can't find the source code.

- UFO:AI - I can't seem to find the license.

- GameLV - "Warning: Some sound files in data/sound have unknown origin and unknown licensing and are assumed to be freeware. If you think otherwise please let us know."

- Arx Libertatis - GPL3 license "does however not include the game data, so you need to obtain a copy of the original Arx Fatalis or its demo to play Arx Libertatis."

Please note that I've only scanned through these quickly, so there might be mistakes. Just be careful and look for the licensing + source code availability.

Also, here's another free software game:

Iscritto: 08/24/2012

Thanks for the answer.
Red Eclipse isn't Free Software.
Debian have put it in "contrib" repositories and data in "non-free" repositories ( you can check this http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=names&keywords=redeclipse ).

I see also Tremulous http://packages.debian.org/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=tremulous in the same situation but package is present in Parabola GNU/Linux repositories https://parabolagnulinux.org/packages/?q=tremulous (this confuses me).

I see that the major problem for most of open source games are the data files (artwork,sound...) that are released under Free Software non-compatible licenses (for example Tremulous data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license version 2.5) and not the code.

Iscritto: 09/17/2011

Wait, really? I've just checked the license for Red Eclipse itself, as well as the content. Both are under free licenses: the engine itself is under a variety of different free software licenses, and the data is under Creative Commons/other free licenses (BY, BY-SA, OFL).

You're welcome to correct me on this, however. It's available in Fedora's main repositories.

If not, that really sucks! This is probably one of my favorite games, and for the longest time, I thought it was free...but I'll have to remove it!

edit: had one too many 'licenses' in the first paragraph.

Iscritto: 08/24/2012

So you will remove it?
I loved to play with AssalutCube, i understand how you feel.

I can't understand if Tremulous is Free Software or not.

Iscritto: 09/17/2011

I'm going to ask around on debian-user to see if it's a sorting mistake with them. As far as I'm aware, all the licenses being used in redeclipse-data, and the core itself (redeclipse) are libre. I want to see what they have to say before I remove it, however, at this time, I *do not* recommend installing it in the case that I missed something.

You can keep up with the mailing list topic here:

Iscritto: 09/17/2011

"This will go in non-free due to missing "sources" (and not due to licensing)."

This is why it's listed as 'non-free' in Debian. Although, this is content, so there is no 'real' source code here...

Unless they're referring to another meaning of source? I'm confused.

Iscritto: 08/24/2012

Talking about fps, i'm trying Xonotic... try it, is really impressive, maybe one the best fps.
I'm sad just because my Intel video card is a litte bit old and so very slow and performance are poor.

Iscritto: 09/17/2011

Yeah, you'll definitely want an nVidia card that works with nouveau in Trisquel to play Xonotic. It's too graphically intensive for Intel GPU's.


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Iscritto: 04/23/2011

Debian doesn't always get things right or the way things get packaged can be confusing. For instance the AR9170 firmware is available in the package firmware-atheros in non-free. The ar9170 firmware is free. If I'm not mistaken the ar9170 is completely free as it is itself a rewrite of code Atheros released. The only way I think the included binary could be non-free is if Atheros released a non-free binary the original free driver. Now this might not make sense although if it was packaged by Atheros with other non-free Atheros firmware and then simply imported into Debian's non-free repository you can see how this could happen. However that would be hard to believe with the AR9170 driver because it is a rewrite of the free code Atheros released and thus the author would not have had the ability to change the license (if based off the original code at least).

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

Have you searched for or filed a bug about this?


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Iscritto: 04/23/2011

To be quite honest I'm not sure. I know I've talked to a few people (developers) about it and I think it was reported upstream. It is a known issue if I recall with a bug attached to it. The thing is though there is another issue that excludes it from Debian related to the build process. Apparently it is difficult to build. It's not a free software issue in any case. I think once the build issue is resolved it'll be in the main repository is the current status.

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

Also check out http://libregamewiki.org/

Iscritto: 08/24/2012

Thanks, i know Libregamewiki, good but not perfect and complete.

A good idea would be a complete and updated list of true Free Software games (present and not present yet in Trisquel repositories).
If you are interested i can open a thread where everybody can report Free Software games and i will add these in a list in the first post.
It would be helpful for gamers.


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Iscritto: 07/27/2012

That thread is a good idea. It would be even better if you can check whether those games can be found in Libregamewiki and update it if not. This way, the whole free software gamer community can benefit from your work, not just Trisquel users.

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

This list is awesome :D But it contains a lot of non-free software like the iSoccer. I will post a report about this one.

Iscritto: 08/24/2012

I'm trying to know the truth.
What are the guidelines for making a game is free software?
What licenses you can use for data?

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Even among free software supporters, many believe game data do not need to be modifiable (hence free) for the game to be ethical. Indeed, data are Art. You do not "do your computing" with them. The software part ought to be free though. And the data ought to be freely distributable.


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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

According to the GNU Project's Guidelines for Free System Distributions: Non Functional Data:

Data that isn't functional, that doesn't do a practical job, is more of an adornment to the system's software than a part of it. Thus, we don't insist on the free license criteria for non-functional data. It can be included in a free system distribution as long as its license gives you permission to copy and redistribute, both for commercial and non-commercial purposes. For example, some game engines released under the GNU GPL have accompanying game information—a fictional world map, game graphics, and so on—released under such a verbatim-distribution license. This kind of data can be part of a free system distribution, even though its license does not qualify as free, because it is non-functional.

Iscritto: 08/24/2012

So... we can tolerate non-free data (that is present in games like Sauerbraten,AssaultCube,Warsow and others) in our completly free software distros?


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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

I guess you could say that. If you have issues with that you could contact the GNU project.

Again just to make it clear. That is non-free non-functional data.


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Iscritto: 04/23/2011

:) Thanks for pointing this out for everybody. I have thought this in the past although never commented (I don't think). It's about the software not the associated data.

How that implicates other stuff like movies and music I'll let other interpret.

Iscritto: 08/22/2012

Welcome to libregamewiki.org

Unfortunately this domain does not exist or is not configured.

Most of the time this is due to a misspelling in a the sub domain.
But if your confident that it is a problem you can contact the administrator.

Greetings the administrator.

Wow its closed good link got another that works?

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

Libregamewiki is up again, on a new host.


Iscritto: 03/29/2011

I don't see any mention of FLARE or Unvanquished there, are these submittable?



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Iscritto: 07/27/2010

FLARE should be ok. It was added to the Ubuntu universe repo in precise. Meaning it should make its way into Trisquel in version 6.0.

Unvanquished isn't in Debian and Ubuntu so someone would have to look into it and verify (sorry don't have the time to do so right now).

Iscritto: 05/13/2010

Libregamewiki takes a very strict approach to licensing of game media as well as code. https://libregamewiki.org/Libregamewiki:Article_policy

flare would seem to fit in nicely!

As far as I understand it looks like unvanquished is not fully free since the shaderlabs textures are not commercially usable or redistributable.

Iscritto: 03/29/2011

Alright, thanks to both of you. I have added FLARE to the game list and skipped Unvanquished for now. A description is still missing though.

Iscritto: 09/27/2012

REd Eclipse is not free? In that case, tel me what propiotary software is in it. Cause it says right on the website that it is free and open source. I may be missing somthing.