I don't find it in the repos, has anyone tried this program?
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Has anyone tried the Sound Switcher?
It's GNU-GPL v3, but I would like to know if someone has used it before. I would like to use it because when I connect my bluetooth headphones, sound doesn't automatically switch to it. I have to do it manually, and an applet would help. Just wanted to have some opinions on it before installing it.
I have not used it before, looks like a very slick extension/app
Thanks. Yeah, it's a great app if it works. Hence me asking for someone who has used it to share his experience. Thanks anyway.
I downloaded it from github and installed it, but can't get it to run on Mate, XFCE, icewm, KDE, or Cinnamon. Maybe it's an indicator app that only works on Gnome? I don't want to install Gnome just to try it. Sorry, can't tell you anything about it other than that.
Hey, thanks. I never got around to thank you, so here it is now. Your reply actually made me not want to install it, because like you I won't install Gnome to try it. I will however ask the dev when I can. Thanks.
What's the negative stigma around Gnome? Honestly I think it's one of the sexiest DE's, albeit gobbles up resources like a hungry hippo. I deleted MATE and installed Gnome on Trisquel and disabled the hotcorner etc..
MATE does everything I need, and is lighter in resources. Gnome decided to become too much of a Beast for me. But I understand some people like yourself still prefer it, and I respect that. Good thing we have the choice.
Personally I have my system already configured with MATE and won't be changing over a single program.
Makes sense, my first experience with GNU/Linux was with Tails and I stuck with Gnome, I understand the feeling.
Gnome is fine, I've used it plenty of times in the past. Not my cup of tea, I like a more classic style desktop, but it's fine for what it is. Right now I already have five other DE's on my laptop, including a couple of large ones. I'm not adding Gnome to it just to try one sound applet. That was all.
5 DE's?? I tried to install Gnome previously without removing MATE, and it didn't work at all. I also separately tried on trisquel mini without removing LXDE, same result. How did you install another DE without interfering with the default?
> I tried to install Gnome previously without removing MATE, and it
> didn't work at all. I also separately tried on trisquel mini without
> removing LXDE, same result. How did you install another DE without
> interfering with the default?
They shouldn't interfere with each other. What led you to conclude that
MATE and LXDE had been removed? Did you try to switch back to the
original desktop be selecting it in LightDM?
On the login screen after decrypting, when I clicked to choose Gnome, enter my password, it would seem to load then crash back to the login screen.
EDIT: Forgot to answer your question. I removed MATE by going into terminal-fullscreen (I don't know the real terminology for any of these I'm afraid) using CTRL ALT F1, sudo -i, apt remove mate-*, then installed Gnome using apt install gnome gdm3.
sudo apt remove mate* (or sudo apt remove "anything*") is usually a bad idea. You may end up removing things you really needed, and keeping things you didn't want. Anything with "mate" in the name will be gone (such as anything related to the "material" theme or icons), but a lot of the mate libraries and utilities will still be on the computer.
I think the removal command for the mate desktop is sudo apt remove mate-desktop. If you ask here how to delete a desktop or install something, someone nice like chaosmonk or magicbanana or jxself will usually jump in and help you fairly quickly. I try to help where I can, but I'm not as advanced as those guys.
As to your earlier question, I forgot to mention that I added the Trinity Desktop, so I could get the old-time 2003-era KDE 3.x experience again. I really like it. So I guess I'm at 6 desktops now. I have a 750GB hard drive with 544GB of free space, so it's not like I'm going to run out of space anytime soon. In fact, there's really no reason to remove a DE unless you are simply running out of space. I'm not sure why mate and Gnome wouldn't run side-by-side for you, but they certainly should.
>sudo apt remove mate* (or sudo apt remove "anything*") is usually a bad idea.
All is well, I figured that's what that command did before executing it as well. I am still quite new to GNU/Linux so I don't have any data/information on this computer that needs keeping, so I can just install Trisquel again if need be. Only thing I'm installing is some browser add-ons and vpn each OS install.
I saw a reddit post about someone wanting to switch from MATE to Gnome and just followed that.
> I'm not sure why mate and Gnome wouldn't run side-by-side for you, but they certainly should.
This perplexes me.. perhaps I might watch a show while reinstalling Trisquel fresh, to try and install Gnome without removing MATE again.
> On the login screen after decrypting, when I clicked to choose Gnome, enter my password, it would seem to load then crash back to the login screen.
It could be that something went wrong installing GNOME then. Hard to say without troubleshooting.
> I removed MATE by going into terminal-fullscreen (I don't know the real terminology for any of these I'm afraid) using CTRL ALT F1, sudo -i, apt remove mate-*
It sounds like you removed MATE on purpose, perhaps because you expected it to conflict with GNOME. It wouldn't though. If you want to have GNOME installed alongside MATE, all you have to do is install GNOME and leave MATE alone.
> terminal-fullscreen (I don't know the real terminology for any of these I'm afraid)
The term is "TTY".
> then installed Gnome using apt install gnome gdm3.
If you want to use the GNOME desktop environment, you just need to install "gnome". GDM is a display manager (the program that provides the login screen) like LightDM (Trisquel's default). You should be able to use either DM to log into any DE you have installed. On some distros GNOME might not work perfectly without GDM (for example, on Hyperbola I fing that you cannot lock your screen in GNOME unless you use GDM) but Ubuntu has patched LightDM to work well with GNOME, and that's the version of LightDM that Trisquel uses.
The description of the "gnome" package is:
Full GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components
Unless we are talking about installing "gnome" on top of a NetInstall, it is probably not the wanted package. Indeed, that would mean two programs for most tasks: the GNOME program and the program that came with the original installation of Trisquel (or Trisquel Mini).
> I'm not adding Gnome to it just to try one sound applet.
You shouldn't have to. According to the README[1] it provides both an
indicator and a systray applet, which means that it is desktop-agnostic.
I'm not sure why GNUser wasn't able to get it working (I'll see if I can
figure it out later), but the reason has nothing to do with GNOME.
I couldn't get it to do anything. Not on the desktop, sys tray, command line, just nothing. Good luck, let us know if you have any success. Seems like a useful app in theory.
> I couldn't get it to do anything. Not on the desktop,
> sys tray, command line, just nothing. Good luck, let us
> know if you have any success. Seems like a useful app
> in theory.
After installing it, if logging in/out or rebooting doesn't work, what
is the output of
$ ls /etc/xdg/autostart | grep indicator-sound-switcher
> > I couldn't get it to do anything. Not on the desktop,
> > sys tray, command line, just nothing. Good luck, let us
> > know if you have any success. Seems like a useful app
> > in theory.
> After installing it, if logging in/out or rebooting doesn't work, what
> is the output of
> $ ls /etc/xdg/autostart | grep indicator-sound-switcher
> ?
And I take it you already tried running
$ indicator-sound-switcher
Sorry, don't recall the exact commands. It's been well over a month ago. I assume I tried commands from the web page or help file or man page. If I recall one problem was lack of documentation.
Great, I thought it's hard to install and use Gnome on Trisquel.
Okay, I installed it in Trisquel 9 (should work/fail just as well in Trisquel 8, or Debian which is what I think andyprough uses). The indicator works when run in a terminal
$ indicator-sound-switcher
and starts automatically on login. (See screenshot) However, only the indicator works. Nothing appears in a systray. So it is DE agnostic, but you need an indicator applet. In MATE you can add one by right clicking on the panel and selecting "Add to Panel..."
The README does say that it should work with a systray though. It might be worth filing an issue on Github if you prefer that over an indicator.

Excellent news! I'm no longer messing with Debian. I'm busy libre-tizing a Debian derivative for my own purposes. I won't say the name as certain people would blow a gasket. You are right, I may not have tried to invoke it with the indicator CLI option. Could also be that the app expects a ubuntu-derivative environment, and did not like my system. I probably shouldn't try to answer technical questions here too much until I'm back on Trisquel.
On the contrary your help is much appreciated and welcome. Thanks :)
You are indeed right, simply installing it and running in the terminal it works like a charm! I no longer need to go to sound settings and disable built-in sound to get the bluetooth devices to play sound. It's working like a charm!
One question though, what did you do to have it starting automatically in the boot? I mean, do you have to have the terminal window always opened?
Thanks and sorry for the trouble :)
EDIT: I just noticed that it adds itself to the list of applications that run automatically on boot. I will try it when I reboot the machine. Right now I can't do so. THANKS!
> I just noticed that it adds itself to the list of applications that run automatically on boot. I will try it when I reboot the machine. Right now I can't do so. THANKS!
Logging out and logging in again should work too.
Though I will have to say that I installed the one marked as
" indicator-sound-switcher - 2.1.1ubuntu0-1 (changes file) 2016-11-03 Published Xenial Python"
So I am using an older version, in Trisquel 8. I am unsure if running the version for Bionic, Cosmic, or Disco would work as well...
Maybe I will unninstall the version I have and install the other one and try?
I confirm that it's not possible to install 2.2.1 in Trisquel 8, no matter choosing Disco, Bionic or Cosmic. It always gives an unmet dependency on "gir1.2-gtk-3.0 (>=3.20)"
SO I am sticking with 2.1 and hoping there is no serious security flaw unfixed in that version (I don't see much attack surface in such a small app but who knows...)
By the way, which version did you install chaosmonk?
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