ICC Color Profiles

1 risposta [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 04/15/2019

I have been trying to change ICC color profiles for my libreboot X200 Tablet, but am getting nowhere. The furthest I have been able to do is use gnome color manager in the terminal, but no devices seem to show up. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Iscritto: 12/31/2012

Hi there,

Em 17 de abril de 2019 17:50:50 BRT, name at domain escreveu:
>I have been trying to change ICC color profiles for my libreboot X200
>but am getting nowhere. The furthest I have been able to do is use
>color manager in the terminal, but no devices seem to show up. Does
>have any suggestions?

What does the following commands tell you?

colormgr get-devices

colormgr get-profiles

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