Icedove recently displays only the headers of a message without the body
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"Control u" customarily displays the entire source of a message, headers plus body.
Now, for the past week or so, the initial message box displays just the headers, and
the body is nowhere to be seen. What settings change this back to display the body ?
I always use "control u" to see where a message originates and the entirety of URLs,
but just the headers ? what purpose does that serve ?
I see the complete messages. Not sure why you don't.
After some exploration in the cellar of icedove settings, i discovered the near-infinite
set of "adjustments" one can make to headers (think Abrowse):
mail.compose.catchAllHeaders envelope-to, x-original-to, to, cc
mail.server.server6.headers_only false
mail.show_headers 2
mail.strictly_mime_headers true
mailnews.headers.extraAddonHeaders autocrypt openpgp
mailnews.headers.minNumHeaders 0
mailnews.headers.showMessageId false
mailnews.headers.showOrganization false
mailnews.headers.showReferences false
mailnews.headers.showSender false
mailnews.headers.showUserAgent false
mailnews.headers.show_n_lines_before_more 1
network.http.sanitize-headers-in-logs false
network.trr.send_accept-language_headers false
network.trr.send_empty_accept-encoding_headers true
One setting seemed pertinent: mail.server.server6.headers_only
which I changed from true to false with no effect at all. Similarly, google returns nothing. Using another instance of trisquel_10 on the same profile has no effect.
Upshot: Mail cannot be read in icedove unless the settings issue is solved.
Maybe attaching a screenshot would help here. For instance, here is the image I am getting whenever I pause the acclaimed documentary "A Rocky Ride Out of My Cave". I suspect file corruption by cave water but I can only see the header.

Hiding the bodies of emails in icedove is apparently a new feature, as the following
commands were ineffective:
sudo apt-get remove icedove; sudo apt-get install icedove
After each session, the bodies are still hidden. Control u reveals some bodies, albeit encumbered with abundant obscuring coding, but other bodies are still not revealed in readable form of any kind.
sudo apt-get purge icedove; sudo apt-get install icedove
That's not icedove but how the messages you receive are coded.
Be careful with weird urls to external sites.
It's not just recent emails; it's 20 GB of them, but Control u shows that they are all still there in their entirety.
If you are not already using this mode, you may want to try:
View > Message Body As > Plain Text
This sounds like a preferences choice, rather than a settings problem.
EDIT: a screenshot of a recalcitrant email really could help.
Prospero mentioned that I should look at the View mode, which I thought I had set
to plain text ... but it was set to HTML (the worst possible choice) but changing
back to plain text had no effect, even after restarting the 'puter. For the time
being I can view & reply to messages in cPanel, which is the application that collects
mail from my various ISP's. I normally pop everything down to icedove from there.
I process spam with cPanel, save each one one time only, and send it to an archive
in my Data partition. That's still possible in spite of the inconvenience.
Recently I installed losetup.v1 whih claims to be an application for dealing with
loop devices (in my case, old floppy disks), and that may have done some damage.
Now I find that it's "not installed" so I cannot get rid of it. It came via the
terminal from a trisquel repository.
cPanel is proprietary software.
Magic Banana reminds us that cPanel is proprietary software [that doesn't belong in Trisquel].
It's not on my Trisquel installation. It's an online service, rather like OVH:
dig ==>
dig -x ==>
whois ==> inetnum: -;
netname: OVH_66836443; descr: OVH Static IP.
The other night, when my T430 was shutting down, the CPU got very busy, running at 50%
for about half an hour until I shut down my WiFi (which was showing zero activity),
then Abrowser, which was working with icedove, and from then on the CPU slowed down
until shutdown took place, so there was traffic on another channel that Trisquel
wasn't revealing to me. OVH & Octave Klaba are not my favorite ISPs.
> so there was traffic on another channel that Trisquel wasn't revealing to me.
First disappearing bodies, now ghost traffic. The plot thickens...
It's not on my Trisquel installation. It's an online service, rather like OVH
No matter where it runs, cPanel denies the essential freedoms you deserve.
It turns out that cPanel is provided by my ISP as part of their bundled applications that I
do pay for. Because my main webpage is on a shared server, I'm handicapped by Apache's
hostname lookup "feature" (deprecated in the Apache settings but nearly universally used
by shared servers worldwide) that obfuscates server names. A dedicated server costs too much.
Etiona tells me that 'losetup' is a command provided by the 'mount' package. However, there is a 'golang-gopkg-freddierice-go-losetup.v1-dev' package available in both the Nabia and Aramo devel repo, as you can see here. No idea how you ended up installing this, if you did, but at least that should help you uninstall. Note that the odds of this solving the disappearing body mystery are very slim.
Proprietary software has been known to trigger such mishaps, though, in addition to purloining your computing freedom: you have no way to check whether such changes have been implemented that would have broken it for you, let alone get them fixed.
Here's the present situation:
(1) Somehow, a message received & archived a week ago has changed the message display
settings in the affected icedove profile ... call it ...A3, as profile ...A2 has not been affected.
(2) Yesterday I downloaded all the missed messages from cPanel to ...A2 but then made
the mistake of putting ...A2 in the same .icedove folder as ...A3, whereupon the bodies
vanished from all the displayed messages in ...A2.
(3) Now I've placed a copy of ...A2 in the 200GB home folder of the SSD hosting Trisquel,
and I can see the folders within ...A2 that hold the indexed old inbox messages as well
as the archived spams:...Mail/popmail.../Inbox.sbd and ...Archives.sbd but those
two datasets aren't displayed when I open the Mail/LocalFolders/CollectedInboxes. How do
I get them back onto the icedove opening page ? There is a way ... read on.
(4) cPanel holds all my messages, which are retained on their server gratis, so I can
delete all the past week's spam and suspicious messages (I actually archived them in my
cPanel)from the online display without having any .icedove files open on Trisquel. My
present theory is that the damaging message(s) will be among the [archived] ones that will
never be downloaded to Trisquel.
It turns out that the previously inaccessible Archives.sbd and Inbox.sbd files can be restored
by right-clicking on the name of the folder and then selecting the Properties dialog in the
menu that appears. Another dialog appears that tells you where it expects the appropriate
data to be located, and you may have to use the File Manager to effect the needed change in
file location within the profile's file structure. You cannot edit that location in the
rebuild index dialog, and you have to adjust the file structure so its URL matches what
icedove expects. This procedure enabled me to rebuild the very long index of my saved old
messages and my accumulated spam messages. And yes, the message bodies are all restored.
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