Impossibly slow wi-fi on a ThinkPad T420
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Until about as month ago, my ThinkPad T420 worked great under Trisquel 7 using a ThinkPenguin USB wireless adapter, but now it regularly connects at 6Mb/s (that's mega_bits_ per second) and frequently disconnects. This morning the process of accessing webmail and then sending a single email (admittedly while looking up a couple of documents for reference) consumed two hours. Several times the system could not find my ISP and I couldn't even ping the ISP's domain.
By comparison, when I run the same laptop with Windows 7, the connection speed is a hundred times faster, albeit with the built-in wireless hardware.
How can I diagnose this problem ? Are there settings somewhere that can be tweaked ?
just from personal experience when i got the thinkpenguin usb wifi card (the small black one)
it was doing the same thing on my old dell laptop from 2001
i then read that i do-sent work well with some old computers
and i got the big white one as seen here(
and it worked perfectly
but you should use thinkpenguins support
Range may be an issue, as they all give the same range of Mb/s:
802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54Mbps
Realtek RTL8187B
802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54Mbps
TPE-N150USBL (long range version of AR9271)
802.11g: UP to 54Mbps
My AR9271 connects at 6Mb/s most of the time but reaches 52Mb/s on occasion.
Kinda like the inverse of blood pressure: The bigger the hurry, the lower the Mb/s.
Today I'm in no hurry, and wi-fi is fast again (39 Mb/s & 26 Mb/s).
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