Intel D865GLC motherboard won't boot from a USB thumbdrive bearing bootable Trisquel_8
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In another thread I was upgrading a Trisquel_7 installation to Trisquel_8 when the
computer froze ... and I could only force a stop with the power button. After that
it would not boot and now displays a kernel panic whatever legacy O/S is chosen in
grub's boot menu.
Now I am using a functional live Trisquel_8 thumbdrive that worked OK with my
Lenovo T420 laptop when I last tried it.
The M/B's BIOS recognizes the thumbdrive as a Verbatim STORE, and I managed to
force the selection of that USB thumb drive as the 1st boot device, but when I
reboot, the message "isolinux.bin missing or corrupt" appears, followed by "Insert
boot media in selected boot drive" but nothing happens, regardless of which USB
port into which the thumb drive is placed. Pressing also had no effect.
Along the way, I was confronted with the message,"Enter CURRENT password" when I
attempted to enter Setup ... but after guessing that entering nothing at all
might get me somewhere (it did) I changed that nonexistent password to the same
grub password that I had entered into the grub files of the other 'puters that
I am maintaining.
I tried the US thumb drive in another Desktop PC that has an identical Intel
D86GLC motherboard, and that board also responds with "Insert boot media into
selected boot device" after I force the USB Verbatim STORE drive's recognition,
this time without the "isolunux.bin missing or corrupt" message beforehand.
On a third desktop, this one bought with Ubuntu installed in it by Micro Center,
the USB thumbdrive boots into Live trisquel_8 without any further adjustments
to the BIOS, probably because that's what I used a couple of months ago to upgrade
its Trisquel_7 secondary O/S to trisquel_8. That means the thumb drive is OK.
What's the magic handshake that the Intel D865GLC motherboard's BIOS wants, or
is there a need to upgrade that BIOS ?
George Langford
What a thorny issue George! It sounds like there is some incompatibility between this piece of hardware and something that has been changed between Trisquel 7 and 8. To confirm this, have you tried using a live USB made with a different version of Trisquel (eg 7)? Also have you checked for a bug filed against this issue?
Trisquel 7 is supported for another year, so my advice would be to use 7 to get this PC back into a working state, and help the Trisquel devs figure out a fix, then put out an updated .ISO before the end of the year.
In another thread, Mason said:
> "Trisquel 8 should be using systemd, not upstart."
I wonder if this could be the issue with you Intel D865GLC motherboard?
Thanks strypey for suggesting that I revert to Trisquel_7's Live CD or Live USB stick ...
I have both,so it's just a matter of time before I have the opportunity to try, after
I locate those items in my cluttered office and hoard of floppies & optical disks.
It occurs to me that the O/S partition may have gotten full of old Trisquel upgrades,
but I had assumed that the system upgrade would have cleaned them out ... maybe not so !
tarting over with Trisquel_7 might get the computer into a functional state, especially
if the Live Trisquel_7' Gparted lets me reformat the O/S partition.
In a long-ago series of threads, my several D865GLC motherboards gave me fits, but it
never became necessary to upgrade its BIOS, and my workarounds have worked OK up to now.
George Langford
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