italian reading who can translate a court decision?
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Is there not an italian speaking who can translate the court decision?
damn, you posted this in the trollium and I wrote I would give it a look and completely forgot about it. Give me a day or two and I'll make a tiny compendium for you.
Thank you. What you should look for is any reference to eu law and the eu court. You should look for text about a right to partly cancel an agreement, if a consumer buys an item. And in detail what the court says about whether the computer and the software system is one buy or two. Notice what the court says matters.
Year 2005.
Marco Pieraccioli demands the money of the unused winowns license returned to him. HP disagrees saying that the software and the hardware are inextricably joined together on the computer they sold to Pieraccioli.
Pieraccioli did not accept the terms of the EULA. He did not click on the "accept" thing and did not use the microshit software in any way.
The judge reckons that hardware and software are two different and separable things. The legal contract is between the customer (Pieraccioli) and the computer producer (HP) and for this reason the judge reckons there is absolutely no legal obligation between Pieraccioli and Micrositz.
Buying a hardware does not imply that the customer is forced into accepting the OS preinstalled on it.
I see those articles are cited ->
art.101 Tratt. FUE, già art.81
Tratt.Ist.CE; art. 2 1. 287/90)
european comission -> the customer who buys a computer with the preinstalled os and does not accept the license terms during the first boot of the computer has the legal right to keep the computer and return the software getting the money of the software back.
And yes, all this boring stupid and uselessly long text is saying just this, but you know the drill of the law - they make it complex and long because that way they make sure the average Joe will not read it and if he does read it, he won't understand it..
Here a link ->
Cheers tonlee
Thank you supertramp. You wrote 'european comission -> the customer who buys a computer with the preinstalled os and does not accept the license terms during the first boot of the computer has the legal right to keep the computer and return the software getting the money of the software back.'
Does it actually say this word by word in the italian text?
If so, would you quote the italian text?
Others who are italian speaking, contributions are appreciated.
Evenienza - a tal punto concreta da essere già stata fatta oggetto sotto vari profili di interventi restrittivi e
sanzionatori da parte degli organismi antitrust USA e della stessa Commissione UE - che può essere esclusa solo interpretando la clausola in oggetto in termini di autonomia, e non di collegamento negoziale.
E cioè nel senso che chi acquista un computer sul quale sia stato preinstallato dal produttore un determinato software di funzionamento (sistema operativo) ha il diritto, qualora non intenda accettare le condizioni della licenza d'uso del software propostegli al primo avvio del computer, di trattenere quest'ultimo restituendo il solo software oggetto della licenza non accettata, a fronte del rimborso della parte di prezzo ad esso specificamente riferibile.
pg. 21/22
you are welcome tonlee!
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