LibertyBSD closure

10 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 12/29/2014

I won't be able to continue LibertyBSD any more, and I'm extremely disappointed about this. The problem is, my ISP suddenly, without warning, blocked port 80 and port 443. For several months, I believed that this was a problem with my router or modem and tried everything to fix it. But eventually, I realised that the problem wasn't on my end. (This was also bad, because my Ubiquiti GPL violation page had also gone down.)

I'm 17 years old and I live with my parents, so I can't exactly change ISPs or get a business account. I've tried finding free hosting, but not successfully.

If there's anything that you need help with, or if you want to continue the project yourself, I'll try to provide assistance where I can (e.g. diffs, domain name).

I'm really sorry for any inconvenience which this may have caused you all. I want there to be a libre BSD as well, but at the moment, it's just not possible for me to do.

AllBSD has a complete mirror of the files which is still up which you might find useful:

Iscritto: 01/18/2014

hi orthogonal
no its will not end
we will try help you

you can use hoste
its free
and for free domain you can use tk

Iscritto: 08/11/2014

I could host it for you, if you like. You'd have SSH and such to the server, of course.
I've also had a full mirror up for a while,

Iscritto: 12/29/2014

Thank you so much! I'd really appreciate that. My email is name at domain, and if you'd like to encrypt the login details for security, my key is 968A8DEE and can be found at

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 03/15/2015

Congratulations Orthogonal & JadeCtrl!
Just discovered both your projects

Iscritto: 12/05/2014

i can host for you but my port 80 and 443 are already taken up so you would have to use a non standard port


I am a translator!

Iscritto: 10/31/2014

orthogonal: I remember your original post about it. I also remember I joked about it being fishy. I am sorry. I was wrong.
Hope everything goes fine and with the help of these beautiful mates here you can continue the development of the OS. Good luck and stay libre :)

Iscritto: 07/17/2013

I wish you the best and hope you keep going with the project!
I have considered in the past going to OpenBSD (since it was considered a very secure OS). However, the fact that it had proprietary blobs (along with some speculation about a backdoor) lead me away.
I am happy that there is a Free/Libre distro of BSD, and especially OpenBSD.
I am currently very happy with Trisquel, but maybe one day I will try LibertyBSD :)

Iscritto: 12/31/2012

You could also try talking to the people from Savannah, but that means
you have to prove that LibertyBSD depends, recommends, and suggests only
free software, all of these are generally done during registration of
the project in Savannah. Or, if LibertyBSD is making some reverse
engineering effort, you could have to prove to the people from Savannah
that the result of the reverse engineering will be free software.

In BOTH CASES, it's best to ask them directly, as I don't represent them.

Iscritto: 06/19/2015

Has LibertyBSD been sent to the FSF for certification? If so, why was it

Iscritto: 09/13/2010

There was a discussion on gnu-linux-libre in December 2014. At that time the ports tree was not GNU FSDG compliant. My review stopped at that point so I cannot say if other issues were present or not. To my knowledge Riley has not re-applied since that time. I do not know if this is still an issue or not in October 2015 but if these issues have been fixed, Riley can request a re-review from the ( gnu-linux-libre mailing list.