Libra-xitnA Aluminum Ant 32-bit is shaping up nicely
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I don't have a new ISO yet, but thought I would share a screenshot.
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libre-antix-21.jpg | 161.11 KB |
The other half of that wallpaper was missing. Here it is:
He looks best in black satin, with a white frilly collar:
I never noticed before - he keeps hooks in the corners of his laptop where he ties some kind of shoelace-type rope, and hangs it around his neck. Then he rests the laptop on his fanny pack and can compute while standing up.
That is because hacking street furniture is not always an option:
All street furniture should be hackable into laptop support.
And I was wrong, that's not a fanny pack he was resting the laptop on, that was his laptop bag.
Interesting picture. Here's a screenshot of my libre distro.

I've found an ideal. The best of the two world. I love "Free Software". I love "Open Source software". I love "Proprietary software". I've changed my distro. But i still learn emacs.
:-) I love software. Free knowledge vs proprietary knowledge, it's knowledge after all... (For my self!) They make really good things everywhere.
Why do I get the feeling you are trolling? You're such a minimalist, even an x session is bloat for you. I'm kind of feeling like you're joking about using an ultra-bloated distro like Deepin.
I'd like the gnu to mooh if I click on the copyleft shield.
The penguin could squeak too, upon righ-click on his belly.
I've hired a bald yewtu.ber to train them to sing the Free Software song:
Tr. Fwd. Re. :
"Oh my, everything around me had a massive epileptic reaction to that video, as if sent straight into rudra tandava. I had to rebuild my hut from the ground, mudbrick by mudbrick.
Fortunately, the smoke signal beacon is still working, I hope..."
>"massive epileptic reaction"
I would have thought it would have the opposite effect and put you into a coma. Did you play it at 10X speed or something?
I have been searching for this post too many times by now, so I'll drop the link here:
I am currently getting a beautiful kernel panic message when trying to boot to ram, but I might not take a picture of it, I'd rather enjoy the moment.
Better make sure you have enough available ram. If you are trying those instructions on one of your 1gb eeePc's, you won't get far before the craaaaash.
By the way, this meteor that dropped out of the sky in 2012 on a London taxi cab (harming no one, luckily) is my favorite freely licensed car crash photo. How many Londoners were looking up in the sky for an alien spaceship or for an angry Roman god to come down and kill them all that morning?
I am doing this on a super-boosted 2GB RAM eeepc. Aluminum is now installed there and using its usual ridiculously low 73M of RAM, 83M with Links2 running.
> looking up in the sky
This is obviously a frozen dropping from a frozen troll. Always look up in the sky while passing below the troll freezing facility.
Oh drat - looks like I fell for a scam - just a bogus marketing campaign for "Science Month" on British TV:
I'm such a sucker for meteor-hits-London-taxi stories.
That is only the (rather poor) official cover, they just do not want to admit the existence of deep freezing facilities in outer space. That story is too convoluted to be true anyway.
NB: Alumni Archeologist Ant is now running fine on the eeepc, the app menu thing when logging into jwm seems to have dissolved after installing, or possibly updating. Not sure why you commented out the battery level line, I uncommented it back in so I do not get sudden extinction of everything.
The only fancy thing remaining is the lack of a background image (and of a conky) at first login. They must have missed the bus. Not that I dislike the lean black background, it keeps me focused.
JWMKIT is now getting updates directly from antiX's repos.
Which brings up a good point - what is the correct plural spelling for antiX? Would it be "antiX's", or "antiXai", or "anteeX"?
> what is the correct plural spelling for antiX?
I believe that would be "antinXs". But we only need to care about the plural of ant, which we all know to be an ant colony.
I just solved the little and totally insignificant problem of the battery charge display in Conky. An EoL character was missing, which messed up the last two lines of the config file, which is probably why they got commented out at some point. I like to mix up things, so am now using both the "Charging/Discharging, xx%" line and the illustrative representation of xx% (the charging bar), together with a new "hh:mm:ss until charged/remaining" line.
How's the speed with that eeePc? Is it zippy, or any lag at all?
I've been trying to install GNUinOS on my laptop, having a bit of difficulty with getting the 32bit version to install on my 64bit Dell. Maybe that's a trick that only xitnA does well?? Should have a bit of information about GNUinOS in a few days, even if I have to drag out my old 32-bit mini-tower PC to run it on.
I believe Cthulhu are clearly supporting your 32-bit efforts, so they can extend their control to archeological artefacts too.
I can only confirm that uname -m returns i686 on my 64-bit capable machine, and there was absolutely no hickup at install. I am now using the "lost my marbles" background, so the theme is complete. No lag, no overheating, all is well for newly refreshed eeepc. About 75 seconds between power on and jwm.
If I were to use it as travel companion again, I would only need to find a way to squeeze those huge video files (and I am not talking about 4K or blueray, or whatever shiny new standard) into something more appropriate for a 10" screen. I used to process video files with Handbrake, so I will try to get some cheatsheet about what to use as output in order to retain a similar quality on a smaller display.
>"About 75 seconds between power on and jwm."
I forget how eeePc's are setup, I had one myself years ago, but I'll bet if you were able to swap out whatever hard drive is in there for a cheap little ssd, you would get a massive speed boost for boot and for starting up programs. Not that you probably need it.
Oh yes, surely we could beat that, but in my average use case I can simply send it to sleep mode instead of powering off and get instant availability.
75 seconds is about the time I need to set the coffee machine when fully awake, I think it fits very nicely with any decent morning routine.
After some trials and errors, I settled on 576px25fps video encoding for stuff to watch on the eeepc, quality cursor set at 23 (H.264). It does not take forever on my main machine and the quality is quite decent on a 10" screen. The original 1080p files would just play in slow motion on mpv.
Have you tried vlc? I was messing with it recently, and noticed it used far fewer memory and cpu resources on certain videos than mpv did. Might be worth a shot.
By Cthulhu's tentacles, you are right. VLC is making a walk in the park of the same video files that mpv is choking on.
Well, at least now I know of a lighter format that fits the eeepc screen size. I must say I am a bit disappointed with mpv at this point, I believed it would be the more frugal of the two. I really like the Shift+Q shortcut to make it remember the last position when quitting, though.
vlc is pretty cool. I'm the fastest typist in my office, so I often get the task of typing up minutes from meetings. I have to listen to recordings of meetings and type at the same time. It's a pain in the arse if I have to switch from Libreoffice to my audio player constantly to fiddle with starting and stopping and rewinding the audio. vlc allows you to set "Global Keyboard Shortcuts". So I set Alt-z as play/pause, Alt-x as short fast-forward, Alt-a as short rewind, and Alt-s as longer rewind. This allows me to remain in Libreoffice the entire time, and just control vlc with my keyboard shortcuts. It's a major timesaver.
Yes, I have always liked vlc. I think I went for mpv mostly for the sake of one tool for one thing, but vlc does well almost everything about playing, displaying and broadcasting any sort of audio and video content.
Those global keyboard shortcuts sound great. I will most certainly use them after I have rebuilt my keyboard, mudbrick by mudbrick.
EDIT: it looks like mpv heard our complaints and made some major code review. I have found a noticeable improvement in speed when resuming in the middle of large video files.
>"EDIT: it looks like mpv heard our complaints and made some major code review. I have found a noticeable improvement in speed when resuming in the middle of large video files."
Well, well, well, those sneaky bastards. Reading our troll lounge posts again and using our copyrighted troll posts to improve their software. We should demand some kind of royalty payments from all the projects that are constantly doing this in violation of the Troll Lounge End User License Agreement (TLEULA).
Here's the buuf-icon version of the Libre-antiX 32-bit respin.
anticapitalista, the antiX lead dev, was kind enough to add JWMKIT to his repo, so any updates to JWMKIT should be added directly from a system update.
Passwords are:
user - antix / antix
root - root / root
Here's the Internet Archive upload site for the direct download and for the torrent:
Remember, the Internet Archive torrents work much better with qbittorrent in my experience, and please be kind to your data and back it up before letting this experimental ISO near your hard drive or your flash drive.
This respin boots into the JWM window manager giving you basically a full desktop experience with only 83mb of ram being used.
Death to bloat.
Death to Bloat (hardcore punk song):
Death to bloat
Death to bloat
Deb-i-an ain't no GOAT
Anti-X (libra!) is the fix
Free yourself from non-free dicks
Add a verse!
Stonehenge - where the demons dwell
Where the bloat goes to die
And and it does die well
Dead bloat!
What does it really do?
Dead bloat!
Kill your sacred gnu?
Dead bloat!
Use your bloody tools
Dead bloat!
Make that gnu go, 'moo'
Dead bloat!
Dead bloat!
Dead bloat!
I would put the lyrics to Spinal Tap's "Big Bottom", but I think it would get me banned :D
How can you leave this behind?
I saw Spinal Tap at Carnegie Hall (with The Folksmen) years ago. My wife says 2001ish. They played 'Big Bottom' accompanied by renowned jazz tuba player Howard Johnson, one of my musical heroes. Brilliant. The Folksmen played the Stones' 'Start Me Up.' Also brilliant.
>"How can you leave this behind?"
Talk about bum cakes, my distro's got 'em
>"They played 'Big Bottom' accompanied by renowned jazz tuba player Howard Johnson, one of my musical heroes."
Most certainly the peak of Howard's career, and a story you can recall in painstaking detail to your grandchildren.
I love my distro each weekday
Each velvety cheek day
You know what I mean
Howard (who died last year) was great. He was also amazing on the baritone sax. One of the best shows I attended was a duet performance on bass saxophones. Ginormous things - like the big bottoms of sax. I can't remember the other musician.
Big distros drive me out of my mind
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