Libre Office spell check not working
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I recentley upgraded my main Trisqel machine to new hardware.
I discovered that with Trisquel 5.5, the spell check for Libre Office is no longer working. I tested this using words I knew were mis-spelled. A full check of the document claimed there were no errors.
Libre Office version: 3.4.4
Main Dictionary: en-US (I use secondary technical dictionaries as well)
Any Suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Well, the facility seems to be working for me. If you type in lskebjljbse does it flag that as a bad word? What words do you have the problem with?
Make sure myspell-dictionary is an installed package on your computer. Someone in the IRC chat channel just had this problem and it fixed it for them.
That fixed it. Thanks.
The only reason I discovered it at all is because I didn't think I was spelling certain words correctly, yet they weren't getting tagged. I then tried deliberate misspellings like "ggood" to test it and they weren't caught either.
Thank you both for your posts.
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