Libre Software to randomly pick name from text file
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Hello Everyone,
I have a home library of books, and I am on the hunt for a Libre program to randomly select a book to read from a list in a text file. All I could could find is a freeware proprietary program, which is not someone I am willing to use (especially for such a small task). Does anyone have any suggestions? I asked this question on Reddit, and all that was recommended was a website that would do the picking (running non-free software, no doubt). I am sure that I could cobble together a bash script that could do the task, but I would much rather have a GUI.
Assuming one line per book in a file named "file", you can execute that in the terminal:
$ shuf -n 1 file
Of course, the file can be named more meaningfully and you can change the number to pick more than one book (their output order is pseudorandom too).
I am sure that I could cobble together a bash script that could do the task, but I would much rather have a GUI.
You can have a GUI with Shell script, thanks to Zenity. You can read that heavily-commented Shell script for inspiration (fewer than 50 lines, but it does more than picking a line in a single file):
Thank you! I had no knowledge of Zenity's existence.
Here is a trivial zenity script:
if zenity --title="A Random Book" --question --text="$(shuf -n 1 textfile.txt)\n, would you like another?"; then
echo "Bye"
This script is so trivial I doubt it's copyrightable but if it is, it's licensed to the world under CC0.
You don't need to call from a terminal window, you can open it with from a shortcut icon as if it was a program.
If you have more specific requests for what you want the program to do, we can probably craft it for you.
This is awesome! Thanks. I wonder if it would be possible to have the script remove the line from the text file after it's been picked (so it's not picking books I've already read in the future)?
Sure. The following script exemplifies the use of different Zenity's dialog options: file selection if no argument is given, error if the file is not readable, and question if the file is readable. In the latter case, the script picks a random line number, shows the related line, asks the user if she accepts to read it. If so, the line is removed. Otherwise, the script picks another line number (nothing prevents the new line from being the same, actually), until the user accepts.
if [ -z "$file" ]
file=$(zenity --file-selection --title='Select a file with one book per line')
[ -z "$file" ] && exit 1
if [ ! -r "$file" ]
zenity --error --title='Random Book' --text="\"$file\" is not readable!"
exit 66
while :
line=$(expr $(od -A n -N 2 /dev/urandom) % $(wc -l < "$file") + 1)
zenity --question --title='Random Book' --text="I picked $(sed -n ${line}p "$file").\n\nWill you read it? If not, I will keep that book for another time and pick another one." && break
sed -i ${line}d "$file"
This is fantastic! Thank you!
With a new loop to add books (through the entry dialog) and the possibility to not pick a book (hence a normal exit without any book removed):
if [ -z "$file" ]
file=$(zenity --file-selection --title='Select a file with one book per line')
[ -z "$file" ] && exit 1
if [ ! -r "$file" -o ! -w "$file" ]
zenity --error --title='Random Book' --text="\"$file\" is not readable or writable!"
exit 66
while :
book=$(zenity --entry --title='Random Book' --text='Enter new book (or not):')
[ -z "$book" ] && break
printf "$book
done >> "$file"
while :
zenity --question --title='Random Book' --text='Do you want to pick a book?' || exit
line=$(expr $(od -A n -N 2 /dev/urandom) % $(wc -l < "$file") + 1)
zenity --question --title='Random Book' --text="I picked $(sed -n ${line}p "$file").\n\nWill you read it? If so, I will remove it from the list." && break
sed -i ${line}d "$file"
Thanks again. What line would I have to change in order to have it default to my home directory rather than recent?
There does not seem to exist an option for that:
However, have you understood you can call the script (including in a launcher) with the file in argument? Doing so, the file selection dialog does not appear.
I think I was able to find the solution from this site:
I simply added --filename "/home/${USER}/" so it looks like:
file=$(zenity --file-selection --filename "/home/${USER}/" --title='Select a file with one book per line')
Thanks again for all your help. This is really handy!
It was actually the first option in
I somehow skipped it when I skimmed the page.
I simply added --filename "/home/${USER}/"
You can more simply write:
--filename ~/
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